List of Famous people named Dulce

Name Dulce is among the most common names in Mexico, Portugal. Similar names: Dulcie, Dulcia. Here are some famous Dulces:

Dulce María

First Name Dulce
Born on December 6, 1985 (age 38)
Born in Mexico

Dulce María Espinosa Saviñón de Álvarez is a Mexican singer, songwriter, actress and author.

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Dulce García

Dulce Margarita García Gil
First Name Dulce
Born on July 2, 1965
Died on September 8, 2019 (aged 54)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Dulce Margarita García Gil was a Cuban javelin thrower, who represented her native country at the 1992 Summer Olympics. She set her personal best in 1986.

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Dulce Chacón

First Name Dulce
Died on December 3, 2003 (aged 33)
Born in Spain, Extremadura

Dulce Chacón was a Spanish poet, novelist and playwright.

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Dulce María Sauri Riancho

First Name Dulce
Born on August 14, 1951 (age 72)
Born in Mexico, Yucatán

Dulce María Sauri Riancho is a Mexican politician who was the first woman to serve as governor of Yucatán, from 1991 through 1994. Currently serving as congresswoman of the LXII Legislature of the Mexican Congress, she is also the President of the Chamber of Deputies. During her tenure as governor, reforms which restructured the Henequen industry in Yucatán were implemented. The toll road between Mérida and Cancún was also built and became operational during her administration.

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Dulce Pontes

First Name Dulce
Born on April 8, 1969 (age 55)
Born in Portugal, Setúbal

Dulce José Silva Pontes is a Portuguese songwriter and singer who performs in many musical styles, including pop, folk, and classical music. She is usually defined as a world music artist. Her songs contributed to the 1990s revival of Portuguese urban folk music called fado.

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Dulce of Aragon

First Name Dulce
Born on November 30, 1159
Died on September 1, 1198 (aged 38)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Dulce of Aragon (or of Barcelona; was Queen consort to King Sancho I of Portugal. As the eldest daughter of Ramon Berenguer IV, Count of Barcelona and his wife, Queen Petronila of Aragon, she was the sister of the future King Alfonso II of Aragon.

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Dulce of León

First Name Dulce
Born on January 1, 1194
Died on November 30, 1247 (aged 53)

Dulce or Aldonza was the second daughter of Alfonso IX of León by his first wife, Theresa of Portugal. She was raised with her mother in Portugal after the annulment of her parents' marriage, along with her brother, Ferdinand, while her elder sister Sancha was raised at the court of their father in 1195.

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Dulce Constance Stanier

First Name Dulce
Born on February 18, 1897
Died on January 1, 1986 (aged 88)
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Dulce Maria Cardoso

First Name Dulce
Born on January 1, 1964 (age 60)

Dulce Maria Cardoso is a Portuguese writer. She was born in Fonte Longa, Carrazeda de Ansiães, Trás-os-Montes but moved to Luanda, Angola as an infant. Her family came back to Portugal in 1975 along with half a million other retornados as Portugal's overseas colonies gained independence.

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Dulce Nunes

First Name Dulce
Born on June 11, 1929
Died on June 4, 2020 (aged 90)

Dulce Pinto Bressane, known professionally as Dulce Nunes or Dulce Bressane, was a Brazilian actress and singer-songwriter of the genre MPB.

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