List of Famous people named Chee

Similar names: Kai, Kay, Choi, K, Cho, Ko, Cha, Kei, Kaya, Che, Choe, Koo, Chi, Chai, Chae, Kaia, Ki, Kia, Kie, Keo, Kayo, Ky, Chie, Keye, Kae, Kaye, Cch, Key, Kaho, Kea, Chey, Kaii, Koyo, Chea, Cheo, Ke, Ch, Chhaya. Here are some famous Chees:

Chee Soon Juan

First Name Chee
Last Name Juan
Born on July 20, 1962 (age 62)

Chee Soon Juan is a Singaporean opposition politician who has been secretary-general of the Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) since May 1993.

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Don't know him/her

Chee Choon Keng

First Name Chee
Last Name Keng
Born on November 30, 1909 (age 114)
Born in Malaysia
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Don't know him/her

Chee Choon Wah

First Name Chee
Last Name Wah
Born on November 30, 1915 (age 108)
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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