List of Famous people named Bastian

Similar names: Bastiaan, Bastiano. Here are some famous Bastians:

Bastian Pastewka

First Name Bastian
Last Name Pastewka
Born on April 4, 1972 (age 52)

Bastian Pastewka is a German actor and comedian.

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Bastian Schweinsteiger

First Name Bastian
Last Name Schweinsteiger
Born on August 1, 1984 (age 39)
Born in Germany, Bavaria
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Bastian Schweinsteiger is a German former professional footballer who usually played as a central midfielder. Earlier in his career, he primarily played as a wide midfielder. Schweinsteiger is regarded as one of the greatest midfielders of all time, due to his tactical awareness, positioning, passing, tackling ability and also due to his ability to read and control the flow of the game. German coach Joachim Löw has referred to Schweinsteiger as one of the greatest players Germany has ever produced.

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Bastián Bodenhöfer

First Name Bastián
Last Name Bodenhöfer
Born on July 1, 1961 (age 63)

Bastián Lorenzo Bodenhöfer Alexander is a Chilean actor, theater director, musician and cultural manager. He served as cultural attaché of the Chile embassy in France between 2000 and 2002, during the government of president Ricardo Lagos. Bodenhöfer established himself as a renowned actor in the telenovela Ángel Malo in 1986. During the 1990s, due to his physical attractiveness, his solid presence and his talent, he became the highest paid male lead in Televisión Nacional de Chile.

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Bastian Steger

First Name Bastian
Last Name Steger
Born on March 19, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Bastian Steger is a German table tennis player. He competed for Germany at the 2012 Summer Olympics where he won a bronze medal in the team event. He also won the bronze medal in the men's team event during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

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Bastian Oczipka

First Name Bastian
Last Name Oczipka
Born on January 12, 1989 (age 35)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Bastian Oczipka is a German footballer who plays as a left back for Schalke 04 in the Bundesliga.

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Bastian Baker

First Name Bastian
Last Name Baker
Born on May 20, 1991 (age 33)

Bastien Kaltenbacher, better known as Bastian Baker, is a Swiss singer, songwriter, performer and ice hockey player. He is currently under contract with HCV Martigny of the MySports League.

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Bastian Roscheck

First Name Bastian
Last Name Roscheck
Born on February 24, 1991 (age 33)

Bastian Roscheck is a German handball player for SC DHfK Leipzig and the German national team.

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Bastian Sick

First Name Bastian
Last Name Sick
Born on July 17, 1965 (age 59)

Bastian Sick is a German journalist and author.

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Bastian Dankert

First Name Bastian
Last Name Dankert
Born on June 9, 1980 (age 44)

Bastian Dankert is a German football referee who is based in Rostock. He referees for Brüsewitzer SV of the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern State Football Association. He is a FIFA referee, and is ranked as a UEFA second category referee.

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Bastian Simbolon

First Name Bastian
Last Name Simbolon
Born on September 21, 1999 (age 24)
Born in Indonesia
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