List of Famous people named Anatoly

Name Anatoly is among the most common names in Russia. Similar names: Anatoliy, Anatoli, Anatole, Anatol, Anatolii. Here are some famous Anatolys:

Anatoly Dyatlov

First Name Anatoly
Born on March 3, 1931
Died on December 13, 1995 (aged 64)

Anatoly Stepanovich Dyatlov was deputy chief-engineer of the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. He supervised the safety test which resulted in the 1986 Chernobyl disaster, for which he served time in prison as he was blamed for not following the safety protocols. He was released as part of a general amnesty in 1990.

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Anatoly Chubais

First Name Anatoly
Born on June 16, 1955 (age 69)

Anatoly Borisovich Chubais is a Russian politician and businessman who was responsible for privatization in Russia as an influential member of Boris Yeltsin's administration in the early 1990s. During this period, he was a key figure in introducing market economy and the principles of private ownership to Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.

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Anatoly Sobchak

First Name Anatoly
Born on August 10, 1937
Died on February 19, 2000 (aged 62)

Anatoly Aleksandrovich Sobchak was a Russian politician, a co-author of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the first democratically elected mayor of Saint Petersburg, and a mentor and teacher of both Vladimir Putin and Dmitry Medvedev.

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Anatoly Karpov

First Name Anatoly
Born on May 23, 1951 (age 73)

Anatoly Yevgenyevich Karpov is a Russian chess grandmaster and former World Champion. He was the official world champion from 1975 to 1985 when he was defeated by Garry Kasparov.

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Anatoly Wasserman

First Name Anatoly
Born on December 9, 1952 (age 72)

Anatoly Aleksandrovich Wasserman is a journalist and political pundit who has won television intellectual quiz shows.

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Anatoly Vasilyev

First Name Anatoly
Born on November 6, 1946 (age 78)

Anatoly Aleksandrovich Vasilyev is a Soviet and Russian film and theater actor, People's Artist of Russia (1994).

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Anatoly Tarasov

First Name Anatoly
Born on December 10, 1918
Died on June 23, 1995 (aged 76)
Born in Russia

Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov was a Russian ice hockey player and coach. Tarasov is considered "the father of Russian ice hockey" and established the Soviet Union national team as "the dominant force in international competition". He was one of the first Russians to be inducted into the Hockey Hall of Fame, having been inducted in 1974 in the builders category. Tarasov also played and managed in the sport of football, but is best known for his work in developing the USSR's ice hockey program.

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Anatoly Moskvin

First Name Anatoly
Born on September 1, 1966 (age 58)

Anatoly Yuryevich Moskvin is a Russian linguist, philologist, and historian from Nizhny Novgorod who was arrested in 2011 after the mummified bodies of 26 girls between the ages of 3 and 25 were discovered in his apartment. After exhuming the bodies from local graveyards, Moskvin mummified the bodies himself before dressing and posing them around his home. Moskvin's parents, who shared the apartment with him, saw the mummies but mistook them for large dolls.

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Anatoly Kashpirovsky

First Name Anatoly
Born on August 11, 1939 (age 85)

Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky is a Russian psychotherapist of Ukrainian origin, claimed to be a hypnotist and a psychic healer. He enjoyed great popularity in the Soviet Union. Around 2010 he was again performing mass healing rituals in front of large audiences, although he never returned to his former popularity.

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Anatoly Shariy

Анатолій Анатолійович Шарій
First Name Anatoly
Born on August 20, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Ukraine

Anatoly Anatolyevich Shariy is a Ukrainian journalist, videoblogger and politician. Ukrainian media commonly refers to him as "pro-Russian" and "anti-Ukrainian", labels he denies and contests in courts.

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