List of Famous people named Allegra

Similar names: Allegro. Here are some famous Allegras:

Allegra Stratton

First Name Allegra
Born on April 10, 1980 (age 44)

Allegra Elizabeth Jane Stratton is a British political aide, writer, and former journalist serving as the Downing Street Press Secretary under Prime Minister Boris Johnson since November 2020.

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Allegra Versace

First Name Allegra
Born on June 30, 1986 (age 38)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Allegra Versace Beck, commonly known as Allegra Versace, is an Italian American heiress and socialite. Since 2011 Allegra has been a director of Gianni Versace S.p.A. and has worked in New York City as a theatrical dresser.

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Allegra Curtis

First Name Allegra
Born on July 11, 1966 (age 58)

Allegra Curtis is an American-born actress and businesswoman who has worked in English and German movies. She is known for her work on movies namely Das Gold der Liebe (1983) and Flashback (2000) as well as her participation in the German TV series Ich bin ein Star – Holt mich hier raus! (2004).

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Allegra Acosta

First Name Allegra
Born on December 12, 2002 (age 22)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Allegra Acosta is an American actress and singer best known for playing the role of Molly Hernandez in the Hulu original series Marvel's Runaways.

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Allegra Caracciolo

First Name Allegra
Born on June 28, 1945 (age 79)
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Allegra Huston

First Name Allegra
Born on August 26, 1964 (age 60)

Allegra Huston is a writer, author, and editor based in Taos, New Mexico. She is the author of Love Child, Say My Name: A Novel, and other books and screenplays. She also wrote and produced the short film Good Luck, Mr Gorski.

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Allegra Leguizamo

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Allegra Mostyn-Owen

First Name Allegra
Born on November 30, 1963 (age 61)

Allegra Dilshad Farha Raji Sheikha Jaan Khan Kali Gori, and known professionally as Allegra Mostyn-Owen, is a British artist, journalist, and socialite. She has worked for the Evening Standard. Gori was on the cover of Tatler magazine July/August 1984 issue while an undergraduate student at Trinity College, University of Oxford. She has a masters degree in EU Law from Universite Libre in Bruxelles, Belgium.

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Allegra Helen Loch

First Name Allegra
Born on October 14, 1982 (age 42)
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Allegra Tinnefeld

First Name Allegra
Born on September 10, 2005 (age 19)
Born in Austria
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