List of Famous people named Alanis

Here are some famous Alanises:

Alanis Morissette

Alanis Nadine Morissette
First Name Alanis
Last Name Morissette
Born on June 1, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Canada, Ontario
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Alanis Nadine Morissette is a Canadian-American singer, songwriter, record producer, and actress. Known for her emotive mezzo-soprano voice, Morissette began her career in Canada in the early 1990s with two mildly successful dance-pop albums. Afterward, as part of a recording deal, she moved to Holmby Hills, Los Angeles. In 1995, she released Jagged Little Pill, a more rock-oriented album which sold more than 33 million copies globally and is her most critically acclaimed work to date. This was made into a rock musical of the same name in 2017, which earned 15 Tony Award nominations including Best Musical. Her follow-up album, Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie, was released in 1998.

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Alanis Obomsawin

First Name Alanis
Last Name Obomsawin
Born on August 31, 1932 (age 92)

Alanis Obomsawin, is an American Canadian Abenaki filmmaker, singer, artist and activist primarily known for her documentary films. Born in New Hampshire, United States and raised primarily in Quebec, Canada, she has written and directed many National Film Board of Canada documentaries on First Nations issues.

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