List of Famous people with last name Waltz

Christoph Waltz

First Name Christoph
Last Name Waltz
Born on October 4, 1956 (age 67)
Born in Austria
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Christoph Waltz is an Austrian-German actor and director. Since 2009 he has mainly been active in the United States. His accolades include two Academy Awards, two Golden Globe Awards, two British Academy Film Awards and two Screen Actors Guild Awards.

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Jasmine Waltz

First Name Jasmine
Last Name Waltz

Jasmine Waltz is an American model, actress, and reality television personality from Las Vegas, Nevada.

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Michael Waltz

First Name Michael
Last Name Waltz
Born on January 31, 1974 (age 50)

Michael George Glen Waltz is an American politician and United States Army officer serving as the U.S. Representative for Florida's 6th congressional district. He is a member of the Republican Party.

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Sasha Waltz

First Name Sasha
Last Name Waltz
Born on March 8, 1963 (age 61)

Sasha Alexandra Waltz is a German choreographer, dancer, leader of the dance company Sasha Waltz and Guests, and artistic director designate of the Berlin State Ballet, alongside Johannes Ohman, effective 2019.

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David Waltz

First Name David
Last Name Waltz
Born on May 28, 1943
Died on March 22, 2012 (aged 68)

David Leigh Waltz was a computer scientist who made significant contributions in several areas of artificial intelligence, including constraint satisfaction, case-based reasoning and the application of massively parallel computation to AI problems. He held positions in academia and industry and at the time of his death, was a professor of Computer Science at Columbia University where he directed the Center for Computational Learning Systems.

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Lisa Waltz

First Name Lisa
Last Name Waltz
Born on August 31, 1961 (age 62)

Lisa Waltz is an American actress who has had roles in many television shows and who played Nora in the film adaptation of Brighton Beach Memoirs.

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