List of Famous people with last name Tourneur

Jacques Tourneur

Jacques Thomas
First Name Jacques
Last Name Tourneur
Born on November 12, 1904
Died on December 19, 1977 (aged 73)

Jacques Tourneur was a French film director known for the classic film noir Out of the Past and a series of low-budget horror films he made for RKO Studios, including Cat People, I Walked with a Zombie, and The Leopard Man. He is also known for directing Night of the Demon, which was released by Columbia Pictures. While in Hollywood, he was usually addressed by his anglicized name "Jack Turner", a literal and phonetic translation of his name in English.

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Maurice Tourneur

Maurice Félix Thomas
First Name Maurice
Last Name Tourneur
Born on February 2, 1876
Died on August 4, 1961 (aged 85)

Maurice "Tourneur" Félix Thomas was a French film director and screenwriter.

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