List of Famous people with last name Sol

María del Sol

First Name María
Last Name Sol
Born on October 24, 1961 (age 63)

María del Sol is a Mexican singer. She is the daughter of lawyer Alonso Echánove and the actress/journalist Josefina Echánove and the younger sister of Peggy Echánove and actor Alonso Echánove.

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Syster Sol

First Name Syster
Born on January 25, 1983 (age 42)

Isabel Sandblom, known professionally as Syster Sol, is a Swedish reggae singer, songwriter, and DJ. She has a background as the founder and lead singer of the reggae band Livelihood. In 2008, she established herself as one of the first women solo singers in the reggae music scene in Sweden.

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Priscila Sol

First Name Priscila
Born on April 14, 1980 (age 44)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo

Priscila Sol is a Brazilian actress.

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Laura del Sol

Laura Escofet Arce
First Name Laura
Last Name Sol
Born on November 27, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Laura del Sol is a Spanish flamenco dancer and film actress, specially well known for her titular role in Carlos Saura's 1983 film Carmen. She worked with Saura and Antonio Gades in El Amor brujo, and in Italy, she acted in Giuseppe Tornatore's debut Il Camorrista.

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Fran Sol

First Name Fran
Born on March 13, 1992 (age 32)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Francisco 'Fran' Sol Ortiz is a Spanish footballer who plays for CD Tenerife on loan from Ukrainian club FC Dynamo Kyiv as a forward.

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Arancha del Sol

First Name Arancha
Born on May 20, 1972 (age 52)
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Ozan Sol

First Name Ozan
Last Name Sol
Born on June 13, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Muğla Province
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Alika Del Sol

First Name Alika
Born on November 30, 1972 (age 52)
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