List of Famous people with last name Siegel

Kate Siegel

First Name Kate
Last Name Siegel
Born on August 9, 1982 (age 42)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Kate Gordon Siegelbaum, known professionally as Kate Siegel, is an American actress and screenwriter. She is best known for her collaborations with her husband, filmmaker Mike Flanagan, appearing in his films Oculus (2013), Hush, Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016), and Gerald's Game (2017), as well as in his television series The Haunting of Hill House (2018) and The Haunting of Bly Manor (2020).

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Neil Siegel

First Name Neil
Last Name Siegel
Born on February 19, 1954 (age 70)

Neil Gilbert Siegel is an American computer scientist, systems engineer, and engineer, known for his development of many key systems for the United States military, including the Blue-Force Tracking system, the U.S. Army's first unmanned air vehicle system, and the US Army forward-area air defense system. Several of his inventions also found their way into consumer products, such as hand-held devices whose map displays automatically orient themselves to align with the real-world's cardinal points.

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Giulia Siegel

First Name Giulia
Born on November 10, 1974 (age 50)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Giulia Siegel is a German actress, presenter, DJ, model, and the daughter of composer and producer Ralph Siegel. Siegel started her career in 1991 as a model using the alias Giulia Legeis. She switched to using her real name professionally in 1995.

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Bugsy Siegel

Benjamin Hymen Siegelbaum
First Name Bugsy
Last Name Siegel
Born on February 28, 1906
Died on June 20, 1947 (aged 41)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Benjamin "Bugsy" Siegel was an American mobster who was a driving force behind the development of the Las Vegas Strip. Siegel not only was influential within the Jewish mob, but along with his friend and fellow gangster Meyer Lansky, also held significant influence within the Italian-American Mafia and the largely Italian-Jewish National Crime Syndicate. Described as handsome and charismatic, he became one of the first front-page celebrity gangsters.

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David A. Siegel

First Name David
Last Name Siegel
Born on May 3, 1935 (age 89)

David Alan Siegel is an American businessman who founded Westgate Resorts Ltd, a Florida-based timeshare resort firm where he serves as president and chief executive officer. He has nine biological children and two adopted children. Siegel is CEO of CFI Resorts Management Inc. and Central Florida Investments Inc. and his other businesses include real estate, construction, hotel and apartment management, travel services, insurance, transportation, and retail.

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Jackie Siegel

First Name Jackie
Born on January 1, 1966 (age 59)

Jacqueline "Jackie" Siegel is an American socialite, model, actress and beauty pageant director. She is one of the main subjects of the 2012 documentary film The Queen of Versailles, directed by Lauren Greenfield.

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Ralph Siegel

First Name Ralph
Last Name Siegel
Born on September 30, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Ralph Siegel is a German record producer and songwriter. Siegel is one of the most notable figures at the Eurovision Song Contest, in which he has participated with 24 songs so far, among them the 1982 winner song Ein bisschen Frieden.

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Marc Siegel

First Name Marc
Last Name Siegel

Marc K. Siegel is an American physician, Professor of Medicine at the NYU Langone Medical Center, author, and contributor to Fox News.

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Don Siegel

First Name Don
Last Name Siegel
Born on October 26, 1912
Died on April 20, 1991 (aged 78)

Donald Siegel was an American film and television director and producer.

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Bill Siegel

First Name Bill
Last Name Siegel
Born on December 24, 1962
Died on December 11, 2018 (aged 55)

Bill Siegel was an American documentary film producer and director. Documentaries directed by Siegel include Emmy Award-winning The Trials of Muhammad Ali and the Academy Award-nominated The Weather Underground in 2003.

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