List of Famous people with last name Sheen

Charlie Sheen

Carlos Irwin Estevez
First Name Charlie
Last Name Sheen
Born on September 3, 1965 (age 58)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Carlos Irwin Estévez, known professionally as Charlie Sheen, is an American actor. He has appeared in films including Platoon (1986), Wall Street (1987), Young Guns (1988), Major League (1989), Navy SEALs (1990), The Three Musketeers (1993) and Terminal Velocity (1994).

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Michael Sheen

First Name Michael
Last Name Sheen
Born on February 5, 1969 (age 55)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Michael Christopher Sheen is a Welsh actor and political activist. After training at London's Royal Academy of Dramatic Art (RADA), he worked mainly in theatre throughout the 1990s and made notable stage appearances in Romeo and Juliet (1992), Don't Fool With Love (1993), Peer Gynt (1994), The Seagull (1995), The Homecoming (1997), and Henry V (1997). His performances in Amadeus at the Old Vic and Look Back in Anger at the National Theatre were nominated for Olivier Awards in 1998 and 1999, respectively. In 2003, he was nominated for a third Olivier Award for his performance in Caligula at the Donmar Warehouse.

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Martin Sheen

Ramon Antonio Gerardo Estevez
First Name Martin
Last Name Sheen
Born on August 3, 1940 (age 83)
Height 170 cm | 5'7

Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez, known professionally as Martin Sheen, is an American actor. He first became known for his roles in the films The Subject Was Roses (1968) and Badlands (1973), and later achieved wide recognition for his leading role in Apocalypse Now (1979), as United States President Josiah Bartlet in the television series The West Wing (1999–2006), and as Robert Hanson in the Netflix television series Grace and Frankie (2015–present).

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Janet Sheen

Janet Elizabeth Templeton
First Name Janet
Last Name Sheen
Born on July 8, 1944 (age 80)

Janet Elizabeth Estévez, best known as Janet Sheen, is an American actress and producer.

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Bob Sheen

Bob Carlos Estevez
First Name Bob
Last Name Sheen
Born on March 14, 2009 (age 15)
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Sami Sheen

First Name Sami
Last Name Sheen
Born on March 9, 2004 (age 20)
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Lola Rose Sheen

First Name Lola
Born on June 1, 2005 (age 19)
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Max Sheen

Max Estevez
First Name Max
Last Name Sheen
Born on March 14, 2009 (age 15)
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Ruth Sheen

First Name Ruth
Last Name Sheen
Born on January 1, 1952 (age 72)

Ruth Sheen is an English actress. From the late 1980s onwards she has appeared in many British television shows, films and plays. She is a frequent participant in the films of Mike Leigh, winning the European Film Award for Best Actress for the role of Shirley in High Hopes.

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Sue Sheen

First Name Sue
Last Name Sheen
Born on August 24, 1959 (age 64)
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