List of Famous people with last name Schnitzler

Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler

First Name Karl-Eduard
Born on April 28, 1918
Died on September 20, 2001 (aged 83)
Born in Germany

Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler was an East German communist propagandist and host of the television show Der schwarze Kanal from 21 March 1960 to 30 October 1989.

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Arthur Schnitzler

First Name Arthur
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on May 15, 1862
Died on October 21, 1931 (aged 69)
Born in Austria

Arthur Schnitzler was an Austrian author and dramatist.

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René Schnitzler

First Name René
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on April 14, 1985 (age 39)

René Schnitzler is a German football player, he plays for 1. FC Bettrath.

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Barbara Schnitzler

First Name Barbara
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on February 19, 1953 (age 71)
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Christa von Schnitzler

First Name Christa
Born on July 12, 1922
Died on June 28, 2003 (aged 80)

Christa von Schnitzler was a German sculptor.

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Friedrich Wilhelm Schnitzler

First Name Friedrich
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on December 16, 1928
Died on July 15, 2011 (aged 82)

Friedrich "Fritz" Wilhelm Schnitzler was a German landowner and business manager, and also a local politician in the CDU, the founder of the agricultural association of the District of Reutlingen and co-founder of the landholders' association of Baden-Württemberg, and lobbyist in the state parliament.

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Heinrich Schnitzler

First Name Heinrich
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on August 9, 1902
Died on July 14, 1982 (aged 79)
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Julius Schnitzler

First Name Julius
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on July 13, 1865
Died on June 29, 1939 (aged 73)
Born in Austria
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Johann Schnitzler

First Name Johann
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on April 10, 1835
Died on May 2, 1893 (aged 58)
Born in Hungary, Zala County

Johann Schnitzler was an Austrian Jewish laryngologist and professor. He was the father of Arthur Schnitzler.

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Eduard Schnitzler

First Name Eduard
Last Name Schnitzler
Born on August 3, 1823
Died on September 16, 1900 (aged 77)
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