List of Famous people with last name Saban

Nick Saban

First Name Nick
Last Name Saban
Born on October 31, 1951 (age 72)

Nicholas Lou Saban Jr. is an American football coach who has been the head football coach at the University of Alabama since 2007. Saban previously served as head coach of the National Football League's Miami Dolphins and at three other universities: Louisiana State University (LSU), Michigan State University, and the University of Toledo. Saban is considered by many to be the greatest coach in college football history.

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Haim Saban

First Name Haim
Last Name Saban
Born on October 15, 1944 (age 79)
Net Worth $3.0B

Haim Saban is an Israeli-American media proprietor, investor, and producer of records, film, and television. A businessman with interests in financial services, entertainment, and media, and an estimated net worth of $2.8 billion, he is ranked by Forbes as the 232nd richest person in America. Saban is the founder of Saban Entertainment, producer and distributor of children's television programs in the US such as Power Rangers. He headed up consortiums which purchased the broadcasters ProSiebenSat.1 Media and Univision Communications. He is a major donor to the US Democratic Party and active in pro-Israel political efforts in the US. In March 2017, Saban was honored with the 2,605th star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame for his achievements in television.

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Ertan Saban

First Name Ertan
Last Name Saban
Born on December 4, 1977 (age 46)
Born in North Macedonia

Ertan Saban is a Macedonian-Turkish stage and screen actor. He was born in Skopje, SR Macedonia, SFR Yugoslavia. He is of Turkish descent.

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Erman Saban

First Name Erman
Last Name Saban
Born on May 22, 1983 (age 41)
Born in North Macedonia

Erman Saban is a Macedonian actor of Turkish descent.

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Nedim Saban

First Name Nedim
Born on January 1, 1967 (age 57)
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