List of Famous people with last name Richie

Lionel Richie

Lionel Brockman Richie, Jr.
First Name Lionel
Last Name Richie
Born on June 20, 1949 (age 75)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Lionel Brockman Richie Jr. is an American singer, songwriter, composer, record producer, actor, and television judge. In 1970s he recorded with funk band the Commodores, and during his solo career made him one of the most successful balladeers of the 1980s.

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Nicole Richie

First Name Nicole
Last Name Richie
Born on September 21, 1981 (age 42)
Height 155 cm | 5'1

Nicole Camille Richie is an American television personality, fashion designer, and actress. She came to prominence after appearing in the reality television series The Simple Life (2003–2007), in which she starred alongside her childhood friend and fellow socialite Paris Hilton. Richie's personal life attracted media attention during the series' five-year run and thereafter.

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Sofia Richie

First Name Sofia
Born on August 24, 1998 (age 25)
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Sofia Richie is an American social media personality, model, and fashion designer. She has been featured in campaigns by a number of major brands including Tommy Hilfiger, Michael Kors and Miminipi. She is the youngest daughter of singer Lionel Richie and adoptive sister of television personality Nicole Richie.

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Shane Richie

First Name Shane
Last Name Richie
Born on March 11, 1964 (age 60)
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Shane Patrick Paul Roche, known as Shane Richie, is a British actor, comedian, television presenter and singer. Following initial success as a stage and screen performer, he became best known for his portrayal of the character Alfie Moon in the BBC One soap opera EastEnders between 2002 and 2005 and then again from 2010 until 2016 and then in its spin-off RTÉ Drama Redwater in 2017. He returned to EastEnders in 2018 for another stint until 2019. In 2020, he appeared on the twentieth series of I'm a Celebrity...Get Me Out of Here and finished in fourth place.

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Miles Richie

First Name Miles
Last Name Richie
Born on May 27, 1994 (age 30)
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Ross Richie

First Name Ross
Last Name Richie
Born on May 22, 1970 (age 54)

Ross Richie is an American comic book publisher and the founder of Boom! Studios, film producer, television producer and comic book creator. Richie has written guest columns for The Hollywood Reporter been a Keynote Speaker for The Harvey Awards and a judge for the "Spirit of Comics Retailer" Eisner Award. The New York Times profiled Richie and his company Boom! Studios twice. 20th Century Fox production president Emma Watts called Richie's company "a publishing powerhouse devoted to original, innovative storytelling and world-class artists" and Deadline Hollywood named it an "IP mega-library". The Wall Street Journal cited the Boom! Studios film 2 Guns starring Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg, a "successful adaptation' and featured Boom! Studios in their article on the 2016 San Diego Comic Con International. Richie is a five-time publisher of New York Times best-sellers Mouse Guard the Adventure Time graphic novels Lumberjanes, Clive Barker's Hellraiser graphic novels and Irredeemable. His publications have been featured on NPR.

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