List of Famous people with last name Preysler

Isabel Preysler

María Isabel Arrastia Preysler
First Name Isabel
Last Name Preysler
Born on February 18, 1951 (age 73)

María Isabel Preysler Arrastía is a Filipina socialite and television host. She is the mother of singers Enrique Iglesias, Julio Iglesias Jr., and journalist Chabeli Iglesias.

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Tamara Falcó Preysler

Tamara Isabel Falcó Preysler
First Name Tamara
Last Name Preysler
Born on November 20, 1981 (age 42)

Tamara Isabel Falcó Preysler, 6th Marchioness of Griñón, is a Spanish aristocrat and reality television participant. She was also a co-host on the television show El Hormiguero. She is the only child of aristocrat Carlos Falcó, 12th Marquess of Castel-Moncayo, GE with Spanish-Filipino socialite Isabel Preysler.

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