List of Famous people with last name Nicholson

Ryan Nicholson

First Name Ryan
Last Name Nicholson
Born on November 30, 1970
Died on October 8, 2019 (aged 48)

Ryan Nicholson was a Canadian special effects makeup artist and filmmaker.

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William Nicholson

First Name William
Last Name Nicholson
Born on September 2, 1825
Died on July 25, 1909 (aged 83)

William Nicholson was an English distiller and Liberal Party politician who sat in the House of Commons in two periods between 1866 and 1885, and later joined the Conservative Party. He was also an English amateur cricketer who played first-class cricket from 1845 to 1869.

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William Noris Nicholson

First Name William
Last Name Nicholson
Born on October 27, 1815
Died on January 29, 1889 (aged 73)
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Lothian Nicholson

First Name Lothian
Last Name Nicholson
Born on January 19, 1827
Died on June 27, 1893 (aged 66)

Lieutenant-General Sir Lothian Nicholson was Governor of Gibraltar.

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Flora McDonald Nicholson

First Name Flora
Last Name Nicholson
Died on January 1, 1961
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Mary Nicholson

First Name Mary
Last Name Nicholson
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William Nicholson

William Newzam Prior Nicholson
First Name William
Last Name Nicholson
Born on February 5, 1872
Died on May 16, 1949 (aged 77)

Sir William Newzam Prior Nicholson was a British painter of still-life, landscape and portraits. He also worked as a printmaker in techniques including woodcut, wood-engraving and lithography, as an illustrator, as an author of children's books and as a designer for the theatre.

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Jean Nicholson

First Name Jean
Last Name Nicholson
Born on September 22, 1713
Died on April 22, 1778 (aged 64)
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Gerald Nicholson

First Name Gerald
Last Name Nicholson
Born on April 24, 1905
Died on May 11, 1970 (aged 65)
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Christopher Armytage Nicholson

First Name Christopher
Last Name Nicholson
Born on June 17, 1825
Died on October 19, 1887 (aged 62)
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