List of Famous people with last name Mullins

Aimee Mullins

First Name Aimee
Last Name Mullins
Born on July 20, 1975 (age 49)

Aimee Mullins is an American athlete, actress, and public speaker. She was born with a medical condition that resulted in the amputation of both of her lower legs. She is famous for being the first amputee to compete against able-bodied athletes in National Collegiate Athletic Association events, and competed in the Paralympics in 1996 in Atlanta. In 1999 she began modeling, and in 2002 she began an acting career. She speaks at conferences, and is well known for her TED talks.

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Hayden Mullins

First Name Hayden
Last Name Mullins
Born on March 27, 1979 (age 45)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Hayden Ian Mullins is an English former professional footballer and current manager. He played primarily as a defensive midfielder, but he also played as a sweeper and at right-back. He is currently assistant head coach at League Two club Colchester United.

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Willie Mullins

First Name Willie
Last Name Mullins
Born on September 5, 1956 (age 68)

William Peter Mullins, is an Irish racehorse trainer and former jockey from Goresbridge, County Kilkenny, but is based at Closutton, Muine Bheag, County Carlow, Ireland.

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Cristina Mullins

First Name Cristina
Last Name Mullins
Born on October 8, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
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Matt Mullins

Matthew Mullins
First Name Matt
Last Name Mullins
Born on November 10, 1980 (age 44)

Matthew "Matt" Mullins is an American five-time martial arts world champion and actor. At the age of 16, in 1997, he won his first World Kickboxing Association title in Dublin, Ireland. This would be his first of five championships in the next three years.

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Benjamin George Mullins

First Name Benjamin
Last Name Mullins
Born on December 16, 1995 (age 29)
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A. Mullins

First Name A.
Last Name Mullins
Born on November 30, 1927 (age 97)
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