List of Famous people with last name Millard

Bart Millard

First Name Bart
Last Name Millard
Born on December 1, 1972 (age 51)

Bart Marshall Millard is an American singer and songwriter who is best known as the leader of the band MercyMe. He has also released two solo albums: Hymned, No. 1 in 2005 and Hymned Again in 2008. He received a solo Grammy nomination in the category of Best Southern, Country, or Bluegrass Gospel Album for the latter album.

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Mike Millard

First Name Mike
Last Name Millard
Born on January 1, 1953
Died on January 1, 1990 (aged 37)

Mike Millard, nicknamed "Mike The Mic" was an avid concert taper in the 1970s and 1980s, recording mostly Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd and The Rolling Stones concerts in California, especially at the Los Angeles Forum. He taped virtually every show at the Forum from 1974 to 1980. Many of his recordings found their way into the hands of bootleggers who sold Millard's work to fans.

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Guy Millard

First Name Guy
Last Name Millard
Born on January 22, 1917
Died on April 26, 2013 (aged 96)

Sir Guy Millard was a British diplomat who was closely involved in the Suez crisis, and afterwards ambassador to Hungary, Sweden and Italy.

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Patricia Virtue Millard

First Name Patricia
Last Name Millard
Died on January 1, 1980 (aged 10)
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Phoebe Millard

First Name Phoebe
Born on January 1, 1780
Died on January 1, 1831 (aged 51)
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Oscar Millard

First Name Oscar
Last Name Millard
Born on March 1, 1908
Died on December 7, 1990 (aged 82)

Oscar Millard was an English writer who published two books set in Belgium before finding success in Hollywood as a screenwriter.

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Charles Millard

First Name Charles
Last Name Millard
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Baldwin Salter Millard

First Name Baldwin
Last Name Millard
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Nick Millard

First Name Nick
Last Name Millard
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Davinia Millard

First Name Davinia
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Don't know him/her
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