List of Famous people with last name Mcinerney

Thomas McInerney

First Name Thomas
Last Name McInerney
Born on March 15, 1937 (age 87)

Thomas McInerney is a political commentator and a retired United States Air Force Lieutenant General, who served in top military positions under the President of the United States and Secretary of Defense.

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Jay McInerney

First Name Jay
Last Name McInerney
Born on January 13, 1955 (age 69)

John Barrett "Jay" McInerney Jr. is an American novelist, screenwriter, editor, and columnist. His novels include Bright Lights, Big City, Ransom, Story of My Life, Brightness Falls, and The Last of the Savages. He edited The Penguin Book of New American Voices, wrote the screenplay for the 1988 film adaptation of Bright Lights, Big City, and co-wrote the screenplay for the television film Gia, which starred Angelina Jolie. He was the wine columnist for House & Garden magazine, and his essays on wine have been collected in Bacchus & Me (2000) and A Hedonist in the Cellar (2006). His most recent novel is titled Bright, Precious Days, published in 2016. From April 2010 he was a wine columnist for The Wall Street Journal. In 2009, he published a book of short stories which spanned his entire career, titled How It Ended, which was named one of the 10 best books of the year by Janet Maslin of The New York Times.

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Bernie McInerney

First Name Bernie
Born on December 4, 1936 (age 87)

Bernie McInerney is an American character actor.

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