List of Famous people with last name Louis-dreyfus

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

First Name Julia
Last Name Louis-Dreyfus
Born on January 13, 1961 (age 63)

Julia Scarlett Elizabeth Louis-Dreyfus Hall is an American actress, comedian, singer and producer. She is known for her work in the television comedy series Saturday Night Live (1982–1985), Seinfeld (1989–1998), The New Adventures of Old Christine (2006–2010), and Veep (2012–2019). She is one of the most decorated actresses in American television history, winning more Emmy Awards and more Screen Actors Guild Awards than any other performer, tying Cloris Leachman for the most acting wins.

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Gérard Louis-Dreyfus

First Name Gérard
Last Name Louis-Dreyfus
Born on June 21, 1932
Died on September 16, 2016 (aged 84)

Gérard C. Louis-Dreyfus, also known as William, was a French-American businessman. His net worth was estimated at $3.4 billion by Forbes in 2006. He was the chairman of Louis Dreyfus Energy Services and the great grandson of Léopold Louis-Dreyfus, founder of Louis Dreyfus Group. He was the father of actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

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Robert Louis-Dreyfus

First Name Robert
Last Name Louis-Dreyfus
Born on June 14, 1946
Died on July 4, 2009 (aged 63)

Robert Louis-Dreyfus was a French businessman who was chief executive officer (CEO) of Adidas and Saatchi & Saatchi. He was a majority shareholder of the French football team Olympique de Marseille, and during his tenure they re-emerged as a major European football club.

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Margarita Louis-Dreyfus

First Name Margarita
Born on June 1, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Russia

Margarita Louis-Dreyfus is a Russian-born Swiss billionaire businesswoman, chairperson of Louis Dreyfus Group.

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Léopold Louis-Dreyfus

First Name Léopold
Last Name Louis-Dreyfus
Born on March 5, 1833
Died on April 9, 1915 (aged 82)
Born in France, Grand Est

Léopold Louis-Dreyfus was a French investor and businessman, founder of the Louis Dreyfus Group, and patriarch of the Louis-Dreyfus family.

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Pierre Louis-Dreyfus

First Name Pierre
Last Name Louis-Dreyfus
Born on May 17, 1908
Died on January 15, 2011 (aged 102)

Pierre Louis-Dreyfus was a French Resistance fighter during World War II who later served as CEO of the Louis Dreyfus Cie.

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Louis Louis-Dreyfus

First Name Louis
Last Name Louis-Dreyfus
Born on September 6, 1867
Died on November 10, 1940 (aged 73)

Louis Louis-Dreyfus was a member of the French parliament and co-director of the commodity distribution and trading company, Louis Dreyfus Group.

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