List of Famous people with last name Leahy

Patrick Leahy

First Name Patrick
Last Name Leahy
Born on March 31, 1940 (age 84)

Patrick Joseph Leahy is an American politician serving as the President pro tempore of the United States Senate, and as the senior United States Senator from Vermont. Leahy was first elected to the Senate in 1975, and previously served as President pro tempore from 2012 to 2015.

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Kristine Leahy

First Name Kristine
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Kristine Leahy is an American television host and former sports reporter. She is most known as a former host on NBC's American Ninja Warrior. She is the former co-host and newswoman of Fox Sports 1's simulcast of The Herd with Colin Cowherd and was also a former anchor and reporter for KCBS-TV in Los Angeles.

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John Leahy

First Name John
Last Name Leahy
Born on August 1, 1950 (age 73)

John Leahy is an American businessman. He is a former chief operating officer–Customers at Airbus (2005–2017), as well as the company's chief commercial officer between August 1994 and 2017, and a former member of the Airbus main board of management. Well known as one of the commercial aviation industry's most prolific aircraft salesmen, he made a significant contribution to the increase in Airbus's market share, from 18% in 1993 to 57% a decade later. He is responsible for over $1 trillion in sales. Airbus SAS was a government-owned company between 1993 and 2003.

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Edward L. Leahy

First Name Edward
Last Name Leahy
Born on February 9, 1886
Died on July 22, 1953 (aged 67)

Edward Lawrence Leahy was a United States Senator from Rhode Island and a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Rhode Island.

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Clementina Leahy

First Name Clementina
Died on March 10, 1932
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Richard Leahy

First Name Richard
Last Name Leahy
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