List of Famous people with last name Laurel

Stan Laurel

Arthur Stanley Jefferson
First Name Stan
Last Name Laurel
Born on June 16, 1890
Died on February 23, 1965 (aged 74)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Stan Laurel was an English comic actor, writer, and film director who was part of the comedy duo Laurel and Hardy. He appeared with his comedy partner Oliver Hardy in 107 short films, feature films, and cameo roles.

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Sotero Laurel

Sotero Cosme Laurel e Hidalgo
First Name Sotero
Born on September 27, 1918
Died on September 16, 2009 (aged 90)

Sotero Cosme "Teroy" Hidalgo Laurel II was a Filipino politician and educator who served as a Senator from 1987 until 1992, including a period as President pro tempore from 1990 until 1991. Laurel was the son of the former President of the Philippines José P. Laurel and the older brother of former Vice President Salvador Laurel. Laurel was nicknamed "Teroy."

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Arsenio Laurel

Arsenio Laurel e Hidalgo
First Name Arsenio
Born on December 14, 1931
Died on November 19, 1967 (aged 35)

Arsenio "Dodjie" Hidalgo Laurel was a champion race car driver from the Philippines. He was the first two-time winner of the Macau Grand Prix, winning it consecutively in 1962 and 1963.

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Jose P. Laurel

First Name Jose
Last Name Laurel
Born on March 9, 1891
Died on November 6, 1959 (aged 68)

José Paciano Laurel y García was a Filipino politician and judge. He was the president of the Second Philippine Republic, a Japanese puppet state when occupied during World War II, from 1943 to 1945. Since the administration of President Diosdado Macapagal (1961–1965), Laurel has been officially recognized by later administrations as a former president of the Philippines.

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Salvador Laurel

First Name Salvador
Last Name Laurel
Born on November 18, 1928
Died on January 27, 2004 (aged 75)

Salvador Roman Hidalgo Laurel, also known as Doy Laurel, was a Filipino lawyer and politician who served as the vice-president of the Philippines from 1986 to 1992 under President Corazon Aquino and briefly served as the last prime minister from 25 February to 25 March 1986, when the position was abolished. He was a major leader of the United Nationalist Democratic Organization (UNIDO), the political party that helped topple the dictatorship of President Ferdinand Marcos with the 1986 People Power Revolution.

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Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel

First Name Juan
Last Name Laurel
Born on November 6, 1966 (age 57)

Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is an Equatoguinean author and activist. His parents were from the remote island of Annobón, off the West African coast. He is at the center of the feature award-winning documentary The Writer From a Country Without Bookstores.

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Ida K. Laurel

First Name Ida
Last Name Laurel
Born on January 26, 1899
Died on January 26, 1980 (aged 81)
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