List of Famous people born in Equatorial Guinea

Eric Moussambani

First Name Eric
Last Name Moussambani
Born on May 31, 1978 (age 46)

Eric Moussambani Malonga is a swimmer from Equatorial Guinea. Nicknamed "Eric the Eel" by the media, Moussambani won brief international fame at the 2000 Summer Olympics for an extremely unlikely victory. Moussambani, who had never seen an Olympic-sized swimming pool before, swam his heat of the 100 m freestyle on September 19 in the unprecedentedly slow time of 1:52.72. This was the slowest time in Olympic history by far and Moussambani apparently had trouble finishing the race, but he won his heat after both his competitors were disqualified due to false starts. While Moussambani's time was still too slow to advance to the next round, he set a new personal best and an Equatoguinean national record. He later became the coach of the national swimming squad of Equatorial Guinea.

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Teodoro Obiang

First Name Teodoro
Last Name Obiang
Born on June 5, 1942 (age 82)

Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo is an Equatoguinean politician who has been the 2nd president of Equatorial Guinea since August 1979. He ousted his uncle, Francisco Macías Nguema, in a military coup that took place in August 1979 and has overseen Equatorial Guinea's emergence as an important oil producer, beginning in the 1990s. Obiang was Chairperson of the African Union from 31 January 2011 to 29 January 2012. He is the second longest consecutively serving current non-royal national leader in the world. Obiang has been widely accused of widespread human rights abuses, corruption and abuse of power. In marked contrast to the trend toward democracy in most of Africa, Equatorial Guinea is currently a dominant-party state, in which Obiang's Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea (PDGE) holds virtually all governing power in the nation. The constitution provides Obiang sweeping powers, including the right to rule by decree, effectively making his government a legal dictatorship.

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Álvaro Cervera

Álvaro Cervera Díaz is a Spanish football manager and former player who played as a winger. He is the current manager of Cádiz CF.

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Ben Manga

First Name Ben
Last Name Manga
Born on February 11, 1974 (age 50)

Bienvenido "Ben" Manga Ubenga is an Equatoguinean football scout and former player. Manga played as a midfielder.

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Rita Bosaho

Rita Gertrudis Bosaho Gori
First Name Rita
Last Name Bosaho
Born on May 21, 1965 (age 59)

Rita Gertrudis Bosaho Gori is an Equatorial Guinean-Spanish politician and activist member of Podemos, serving as Director-General for Equality of Treatment and Ethnic-racial Diversity in the Spanish Ministry of Equality since 2020. She was a member of the 11th and 12th terms of the Congress of Deputies.

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Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel

First Name Juan
Last Name Laurel
Born on November 6, 1966 (age 58)

Juan Tomás Ávila Laurel is an Equatoguinean author and activist. His parents were from the remote island of Annobón, off the West African coast. He is at the center of the feature award-winning documentary The Writer From a Country Without Bookstores.

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Atanasio Ndongo

First Name Atanasio
Born on January 1, 1928
Died on March 26, 1969 (aged 41)

Atanasio Ndongo Miyone was an Equatoguinean musician, writer and Fang political figure. He wrote the lyrics to Equatorial Guinea's national anthem, Caminemos pisando las sendas de nuestra inmensa felicidad. He was executed in 1969 following a failed coup to depose Francisco Macías Nguema, the first ruler of an independent Equatorial Guinea.

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