List of Famous people with last name Laden

Osama bin Laden

أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن
First Name Osama
Last Name Laden
Born on March 10, 1957
Died on May 2, 2011 (aged 54)
Height 195 cm | 6'5

Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden, also rendered Usama bin Ladin, was a founder of the pan-Islamic militant organization al-Qaeda, designated as a terrorist group by the United Nations Security Council, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), the European Union, and various countries.

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Hamza bin Laden

حمزة بن أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن
First Name Hamza
Last Name Laden
Born on November 30, 1988
Died on June 30, 2019 (aged 30)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Hamza bin Osama bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden, better known as Hamza bin Laden, was a Saudi Arabian-born member of Al-Qaeda. He was a son of Al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden and, following his father's death in 2011, he was described as an emerging leader within the group.

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Najwa bin Laden

First Name Najwa
Born on November 30, 1958 (age 66)

Najwa Ghanem, is a Syrian woman who was the first wife and first cousin of Osama bin Laden, being the daughter of his mother's brother. She is also known as Um Abdallah. She was born to Ibrahim and Nabeeha in Latakia, Syria, and her family was originally from Yemen. She had five siblings. Osama married Najwa in 1974 at the age of fourteen in Latakia. She travelled with Osama to Sudan and Afghanistan. According to Abu Jandal, she left Afghanistan before September 11 attacks and did not return. According to Najwa and her son Omar bin Laden, she left Afghanistan on September 9, 2001. In 2005, Hutaifa Azzam, son of Abdullah Azzam, stated that she was living in Damascus with her son Abdel Rahman. She is the mother of 11 children, including Omar, Abdallah, Saad, Abdul Rahman, Osman, Mohammed, Fatima, Iman, Ladin, Rukhaiya and Nour. She co-authored Growing Up bin Laden with Omar. Her daughter Iman who was released by Iran in 2010 went to live with her in Syria. According to a close family member in 2011, Najwa's mother died of shock and grief after hearing of her son-in-law's death.

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Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden

First Name Mohammed
Last Name Laden
Born on January 1, 1908
Died on September 3, 1967 (aged 59)

Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden was a multi-millionaire Saudi businessman working primarily in the construction industry. He founded what is today the Saudi Binladin Group and became the wealthiest non-royal Saudi, establishing the wealth and prestige of the Bin Laden family. He was the son of Awad bin Laden and the father of Osama bin Laden.

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Omar bin Laden

First Name Omar
Last Name Laden
Born on March 1, 1981 (age 43)

Omar bin Osama bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden, better known as Omar bin Laden, is one of the sons of Osama bin Laden and his first wife and first cousin Najwa Ghanem. He is the fourth-eldest son among 20 children of Osama bin Laden. Older reports have described Omar and his brother Abdallah bin Laden as nephews or cousins of Osama bin Laden.

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Abdallah bin Laden

First Name Abdallah
Last Name Laden
Born on November 30, 1975 (age 49)

Abdallah bin Osama bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden is the son of Osama bin Laden and Osama's first wife Najwa Ghanhem. He is not to be confused with Osama bin Laden's half-brother Abdullah bin Laden or the older Sheikh Abdullah bin Laden, who died in 2002 at age 75.

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Saad bin Laden

سعد بن أسامة بن محمد بن عوض بن لادن‎
First Name Saad
Last Name Laden
Born on November 30, 1978
Died on July 22, 2009 (aged 30)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Saʻd bin ʾUsāmah bin Muḥammad bin ʿAwaḍ bin Lādin, better known as Saad bin Laden, was one of Osama bin Laden's sons. He continued in his father's footsteps by being active in Al Qaeda, and was being groomed to be his heir apparent. He was killed in an American drone strike in 2009.

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Bakr bin Laden

First Name Bakr
Last Name Laden
Born on November 30, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Bakr bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden is the former chairman of the Jeddah-based Saudi Binladin Group and the former largest shareholder in the Group, with a 23.58% holding, and, according to some, was the "true ruler of Jeddah". He is the son of the family's patriarch − Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden − and a half-brother of Osama bin Laden.

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Salem bin Laden

First Name Salem
Last Name Laden
Born on January 4, 1946
Died on May 29, 1988 (aged 42)

Salem bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden was a Saudi Arabian investor and businessman.

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Tarek bin Laden

First Name Tarek
Last Name Laden
Born on January 1, 1947 (age 78)

Tarek bin Mohammed bin 'Awad bin Laden is the half-brother of Osama bin Laden, and a member of the Saudi Arabia business community. He was once called "the personification of the dichotomy of Saudi Arabia." He started a textile business with Swedish actor Kjell Bergqvist, intending to make use of some of the large state-owned textile mills in Egypt, and then sell the clothing in the West. "It didn't work out. The factories in Egypt produced for the Soviet Union and they were poorly designed," Bergqvist recalled. Tarek bin Laden is currently chairman of Middle East Development LLC, a Dubai-based company.

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