List of Famous people with last name Kroenke

Stan Kroenke

First Name Stan
Last Name Kroenke
Born on July 29, 1947 (age 77)
Net Worth $8.2B

Enos Stanley Kroenke is an American billionaire businessman. He is the owner of Kroenke Sports & Entertainment, which is the holding company of English Premier League football club Arsenal F.C., the Los Angeles Rams of the NFL, Denver Nuggets of the NBA, Colorado Avalanche of the NHL, Colorado Rapids of Major League Soccer, Colorado Mammoth of the National Lacrosse League, the Los Angeles Gladiators of the Overwatch League, and the newly formed Los Angeles Guerrillas of the Call of Duty League.

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Ann Walton Kroenke

First Name Ann
Last Name Kroenke
Born on December 18, 1948 (age 75)
Net Worth $8.4B

Ann Walton Kroenke is an heir to the Walmart fortune. Kroenke and her sister, Nancy Walton Laurie, inherited stock from her father, Bud Walton, who was the brother and an early business partner of Walmart founder Sam Walton. She is the owner of the Denver Nuggets of the NBA and Colorado Avalanche of the NHL.

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Josh Kroenke

First Name Josh
Last Name Kroenke
Born on May 7, 1980 (age 44)

Josh Kroenke is an American heir to the Walmart family inheritance and to Kroenke Sports & Entertainment, his father's sports-media conglomerate. He is President and Governor of the Denver Nuggets basketball franchise, President and Governor of the Colorado Avalanche ice hockey franchise, and Alternate Governor for the Colorado Rapids soccer franchise. The company co-owns Elitch Gardens Theme Park as well.

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