List of Famous people with last name Hordern

Michael Hordern

First Name Michael
Last Name Hordern
Born on October 3, 1911
Died on May 2, 1995 (aged 83)

Sir Michael Murray Hordern, CBE was an English stage and film actor whose career spanned nearly 60 years. He is best known for his Shakespearean roles, especially that of King Lear, which he played to much acclaim on stage in Stratford-upon-Avon in 1969 and London in 1970. He then successfully assumed the role on television five years later. He often appeared in film, rising from a bit part actor in the late 1930s to a member of the main cast; by the time of his death he had appeared in nearly 140 cinema roles. His later work was predominantly in television and radio.

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Houstonne James Hordern

First Name Houstonne
Born on October 5, 1829
Died on January 31, 1912 (aged 82)
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Peter Hordern

First Name Peter
Last Name Hordern
Born on March 15, 1837
Died on November 17, 1913 (aged 76)
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Joseph Hordern

First Name Joseph
Last Name Hordern
Born on April 1, 1794
Died on August 12, 1876 (aged 82)
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James Hordern

First Name James
Last Name Hordern
Born on January 1, 1799
Died on May 6, 1872 (aged 73)
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Herbert Loveday Cooke Hordern

First Name Herbert
Last Name Hordern
Born on January 25, 1835
Died on April 21, 1915 (aged 80)
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John Hordern

First Name John
Last Name Hordern
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Joseph Calveley Hordern

First Name Joseph
Last Name Hordern
Born on August 16, 1832
Died on September 2, 1904 (aged 72)
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Marc Philip Cotton Hordern

First Name Marc
Last Name Hordern
Born on June 21, 1912
Died on January 31, 2003 (aged 90)
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Michael Hordern

First Name Michael
Last Name Hordern
Born on September 15, 1919 (age 104)
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Don't know him/her
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