List of Famous people with last name Hirayama

Hideyuki Hirayama

First Name Hideyuki
Born on September 18, 1950 (age 74)

Hideyuki Hirayama is a Japanese film director. His theatrical debut was the film Maria's Stomach in 1990. He won the Directors Guild of Japan New Directors Award for The Games Teachers Play in 1992.In 1995, School Ghost Stories was a big hit and made into popular series. Begging for Love in 1998 got many awards as International press award (FIPRESCI) in Montreal World Film Festival, Japan Academy Prize for Director of the Year, Mainichi Film Award for Best Director etc. In 2001, Hirayama won Best Director Choice for Turn at the Puchon International Fantastic Film Festival. He also got several Japanese film awards for director, including the Best Director award for The Laughing Frog and Out at the 2003 Yokohama Film Festival.

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Miyabi Hirayama

First Name Miyabi
Born on January 14, 1991 (age 33)
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Peter Takaaki Hirayama

First Name Peter
Last Name Hirayama
Born on March 31, 1924 (age 100)
Born in South Korea

Peter Takaaki Hirayama, is a Japanese prelate of the Roman Catholic Church.

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Chika Hirayama

First Name Chika
Last Name Hirayama
Born on July 13, 1985 (age 39)
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Ai Hirayama

First Name Ai
Last Name Hirayama
Born on July 24, 1982 (age 42)
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