List of Famous people with last name Havilland

Olivia de Havilland

First Name Olivia
Last Name Havilland
Born on July 1, 1916 (age 108)
Born in Japan

Dame Olivia Mary de Havilland was a British-American actress. The major works of her cinematic career spanned from 1935 to 1988. She appeared in 49 feature films and was one of the leading actresses of her time. She was the last major surviving star from the Golden Age of Hollywood Cinema and the oldest living and earliest surviving Academy Award winner until her death in July 2020. Her younger sister was the actress Joan Fontaine.

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Walter Augustus de Havilland

First Name Walter
Last Name Havilland
Born on August 31, 1872
Died on May 20, 1968 (aged 95)

Walter Augustus de Havilland was an English patent attorney who became professor of Law at Waseda University and was one of the first Westerners to play the game of Go at a high level. He was the father of film stars Dame Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine.

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Geoffrey de Havilland

First Name Geoffrey
Last Name Havilland
Born on July 27, 1882
Died on May 21, 1965 (aged 82)

Captain Sir Geoffrey de Havilland, was an English aviation pioneer and aerospace engineer. His Mosquito has been considered the most versatile warplane ever built, and his Comet was the first jet airliner to go into production.

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Hereward de Havilland

First Name Hereward
Born on December 2, 1894
Died on September 12, 1976 (aged 81)

Hereward de Havilland was a pioneer British aviator, test pilot and member of the de Havilland company. One of the three sons of Rev. Charles de Havilland, he was the younger brother of Geoffrey de Havilland. Actresses Olivia de Havilland and Joan Fontaine were his cousins. He had a son Peter Adam de Havilland and grandchildren John and Joanna de Havilland.

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