List of Famous people with last name Hassani

Bilal Hassani

First Name Bilal
Last Name Hassani
Born on September 9, 1999 (age 24)

Bilal Hassani is a French singer, songwriter and YouTuber. He represented France in the Eurovision Song Contest 2019 in Israel with the song "Roi" after scoring 200 points in the final of Destination Eurovision. At the Eurovision final, Hassani finished in 16th place, with 105 points.

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Shamsia Hassani

First Name Shamsia
Born on November 30, 1987 (age 36)

Shamsia Hassani is an Afghan graffiti artist, a fine arts lecturer, and the associate professor of Drawing and Anatomy Drawing at the Kabul University. She has popularized "street art" in the streets of Kabul and has exhibited her art in several countries including India, Iran, Germany, United States of America, Switzerland, Vietnam, Norway, Denmark, Turkey, Italy, Canada, and in diplomatic missions in Kabul. Hassani paints graffiti in Kabul to bring awareness to the war years. In 2014, Hassani was named one of FP's top 100 global thinkers.

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Ilias Hassani

First Name Ilias
Born on November 8, 1995 (age 28)
Height 186 cm | 6'1

Ilias Hassani is an Algerian professional footballer who plays as a centre back for Beroe Stara Zagora in the Bulgarian First League.

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