List of Famous people with last name Hager

Jenna Bush Hager

Jenna Welch Bush
First Name Jenna
Born on November 25, 1981 (age 43)

Jenna Bush Hager is an American news personality, author, and journalist. She is currently the co-host of Today with Hoda & Jenna, the fourth hour of NBC's morning news program Today. Hager and her twin sister, Barbara, are the daughters of the 43rd U.S. President George W. Bush and former First Lady Laura Bush. After her father's presidency, Hager became an author, an editor-at-large for Southern Living magazine, and a television personality on NBC, being featured most prominently as a member of The Today Show as a correspondent, contributor and co-host.

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Patrick Hager

First Name Patrick
Last Name Hager
Born on September 8, 1988 (age 36)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Patrick Hager is a German professional ice hockey player who currently plays for EHC München of the Deutsche Eishockey Liga (DEL).

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Kristen Hager

First Name Kristen
Last Name Hager
Born on January 2, 1984 (age 41)
Born in Canada, Ontario
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Kristen Hager is a Canadian actress. She co-starred in films Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007) and Wanted (2008), and played Leslie Van Houten in the independent film Leslie, My Name Is Evil (2009). From 2011 to 2014, Hager starred as Nora Sergeant in the Syfy supernatural comedy-drama series, Being Human.

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Mila Hager

First Name Mila
Last Name Hager
Born on April 13, 2013 (age 11)
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Gert Hager

First Name Gert
Last Name Hager
Born on August 20, 1962 (age 62)
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Dave Hager

First Name Dave
Last Name Hager
Born on August 7, 1944 (age 80)
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