List of Famous people with last name Gramont

Agénor de Gramont

First Name Agénor
Born on September 22, 1851
Died on January 30, 1925 (aged 73)
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Armand de Gramont

First Name Armand
Last Name Gramont
Born on September 29, 1879
Died on August 2, 1962 (aged 82)

Armand Antoine Agénor de Gramont, 12th Duc de Gramont was a French nobleman, scientist and industrialist. He was known by the courtesy title of Duc de Guiche until 1925, when he succeeded his father as Duc de Gramont. He was the eldest son of Antoine Alfred Agénor de Gramont, 11e duc de Gramont and Marguerite de Rothschild.

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Antoine-Geneviève-Héraclius-Agénor de Gramont

Born on June 17, 1789
Died on March 3, 1855 (aged 65)

Antoine IX Geneviève Héraclius Agénor de Gramont, 9th Duke of Gramont, Duke of Guiche, Prince of Bidache, etc. was a 19th-century French aristocratic Army general and courtier.

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Corisande de Gramont

Corisandre Emma Louise Ida de Gramont
First Name Corisande
Born on August 8, 1880
Died on March 5, 1977 (aged 96)
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Agenor, duc de Gramont

First Name Agenor,
Died on January 17, 1880

Antoine Alfred Agénor, 10th Duc de Gramont, Prince de Bidache was a French diplomat and statesman.

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Catherine Charlotte de Gramont

First Name Catherine
Last Name Gramont
Born on January 1, 1639
Died on June 4, 1678 (aged 39)

Catherine Charlotte de Gramont was the Princess of Monaco by marriage to Louis I of Monaco. She is known to have been a mistress of Louis XIV of France in 1666.

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Louis-René de Gramont

First Name Louis-René
Born on January 10, 1883
Died on February 17, 1963 (aged 80)
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Elizabeth, Countess de Gramont

First Name Elizabeth,
Last Name Gramont
Died on June 3, 1708

Elizabeth, comtesse de Gramont, was an Irish-born beauty. She was a courtier, first after the Restoration at the court of Charles II of England in Whitehall and later, after her marriage to Philibert de Gramont, at the court of Louis XIV where she was a lady-in-waiting to the French queen, Maria Theresa of Spain.

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Auguste de Gramont

Antoine Léon Philibert Auguste de Gramont
First Name Auguste
Born on July 1, 1820
Died on September 4, 1877 (aged 57)
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Antoine III de Gramont

First Name Antoine
Last Name Gramont
Born on January 1, 1604
Died on July 12, 1678 (aged 74)

Antoine III Agénor de Gramont, Duke of Gramont, comte de Guiche, comte de Gramont, comte de Louvigny, Souverain de Bidache was a French military commander and diplomat. He served as Marshal of France from 1641, Viceroy of Navarre and Béarn, and Governor of Bayonne.

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