List of Famous people with last name Gervais

Ricky Gervais

Ricky Dene Gervais
First Name Ricky
Last Name Gervais
Born on June 25, 1961 (age 63)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Ricky Dene Gervais is an English comedian, actor, writer, producer and director. He is best known for co-creating, co-writing and acting in the British television mock-documentary sitcom The Office (2001–2003). He has won seven BAFTA Awards, five British Comedy Awards, two Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe Award, and the Rose d'Or twice, as well as a Screen Actors Guild Award nomination. In 2007, he was placed at No. 11 on Channel 4's 100 Greatest Stand-Ups, and he was placed at No. 3 in their 2010 list. In 2010, he was named in the Time 100 list of the world's most influential people.

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Cedric Gervais

Cédric DePasquale
First Name Cedric
Born on June 7, 1979 (age 45)

Cédric DePasquale, better known by his stage name Cedric Gervais, is a French DJ, record producer and actor residing in Miami Beach, Florida. In 2013, he produced a remix of Lana Del Rey's "Summertime Sadness", for which he won a Grammy Award.

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Bianca Gervais

First Name Bianca
Last Name Gervais
Born on June 21, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Canada, Quebec
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Richard G. Gervais

First Name Richard
Last Name Gervais
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 71)
Born in Canada, Quebec
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François Gervais

First Name François
Last Name Gervais
Born on September 11, 1945 (age 78)
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Marcel André J. Gervais

First Name Marcel
Last Name Gervais
Born on September 21, 1931 (age 92)
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