List of Famous people with last name Gambino

Carlo Gambino

First Name Carlo
Last Name Gambino
Born on August 24, 1902
Died on October 15, 1976 (aged 74)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Carlo Gambino was an Italian-American crime boss of the Gambino crime family. After the Apalachin Meeting in 1957, and the imprisonment of Vito Genovese in 1959, Gambino took over the Commission of the American Mafia until his death from a heart attack on October 15, 1976. During more than 50 years in organized crime, he served only 22 months in prison for a tax evasion charge in 1937.

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John Gambino

Giovanni Gambino
First Name John
Last Name Gambino
Born on August 22, 1940
Died on November 16, 2017 (aged 77)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Giovanni "John" Gambino was an Italian-born American mobster. Born in Palermo, Sicily, he became a made member of the Gambino crime family in 1975 and a capodecina or captain, and head of the crime family's Sicilian faction, appointed by family boss John Gotti in 1986, according to Mafia turncoat Sammy Gravano.

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Rosario Gambino

First Name Rosario
Last Name Gambino
Born on January 12, 1942 (age 82)
Born in Italy, Sicily

Rosario "Sal" Gambino is an Italian mobster in the Gambino crime family. He became nationally known when he and his brothers set up a multimillion dollar heroin cartel during the 1970s and 1980s. At the turn of the century he made headline news again when members of his family were suspected of trying to get him a presidential pardon through bribery.

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Thomas Gambino

First Name Thomas
Last Name Gambino
Born on January 1, 1929 (age 95)

Thomas Francis Gambino is an Italian-American New York City mobster and a longtime caporegime of the Gambino crime family who successfully controlled lucrative trucking rackets in the New York City Garment District. He is the son of Carlo Gambino and nephew of Paul Castellano.

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Silvia Gambino

First Name Silvia
Last Name Gambino
Born on January 1, 1965
Died on April 4, 2022 (aged 57)
Born in Italy, Sicily
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Vincent Gambino

First Name Vincent
Last Name Gambino
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