List of Famous people with last name Fukuyama

Jun Fukuyama

First Name Jun
Last Name Fukuyama
Born on November 26, 1978 (age 46)

Jun Fukuyama is a Japanese voice actor and singer who played Lelouch in Code Geass, Koro-sensei in Assassination Classroom, Ichimatsu in Osomatsu-san, Yuta Togashi in Love, Chunibyo & Other Delusions, Hero in Maoyu, Misaki Yata in K, Kimihiro Watanuki in xxxHOLiC and Joker in Persona 5. He is also the official Japanese dubbing roles for Lucas Grabeel, especially in. High School Musical series.

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Tetsuro Fukuyama

First Name Tetsuro
Born on January 19, 1962 (age 63)
Born in Japan

Tetsuro Fukuyama is a politician of the Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan, a member of the House of Councillors in the Diet. He is currently the secretary general of the CDP. A native of Tokyo, he graduated from Doshisha University and received a master's degree from Kyoto University. After running unsuccessfully for the House of Representatives in 1996, he was elected to the House of Councillors for the first time in 1998.

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Masaharu Fukuyama

First Name Masaharu
Born on February 6, 1969 (age 55)
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Masaharu Fukuyama is a Japanese singer-songwriter and actor from Nagasaki. He debuted in 1990 with the single "Tsuioku no Ame no Naka".

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Hiroyuki Fukuyama

First Name Hiroyuki
Last Name Fukuyama
Born on March 27, 1989 (age 35)
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Hiroyuki Fukuyama is a Japanese professional baseball pitcher for the Tohoku Rakuten Golden Eagles in Japan's Nippon Professional Baseball.

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Francis Fukuyama

Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama
First Name Francis
Last Name Fukuyama
Born on October 27, 1952 (age 72)

Yoshihiro Francis Fukuyama is an American political scientist, political economist, and writer. Fukuyama is known for his book The End of History and the Last Man (1992), which argues that the worldwide spread of liberal democracies and free-market capitalism of the West and its lifestyle may signal the end point of humanity's sociocultural evolution and become the final form of human government. However, his subsequent book Trust: Social Virtues and Creation of Prosperity (1995) modified his earlier position to acknowledge that culture cannot be cleanly separated from economics. Fukuyama is also associated with the rise of the neoconservative movement, from which he has since distanced himself.

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Tohru Fukuyama

First Name Tohru
Born on August 9, 1948 (age 76)

Tohru Fukuyama is a Japanese organic chemist and Professor of Chemistry at University of Tokyo in Japan. He discovered the Fukuyama coupling in 1998.

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Riko Fukuyama

First Name Riko
Born on November 6, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Japan
Height 166 cm | 5'5
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Shōdai Fukuyama

First Name Shōdai
Last Name Fukuyama
Born on November 17, 1994 (age 30)
Born in Japan
Height 175 cm | 5'9
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Shunro Fukuyama

First Name Shunro
Born on January 2, 1970 (age 55)
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Kōhei Fukuyama

First Name Kōhei
Last Name Fukuyama
Born on March 13, 1998 (age 26)
Height 165 cm | 5'5
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