List of Famous people with last name Fortin

Dédé Fortin

First Name Dédé
Last Name Fortin
Born on November 17, 1962
Died on May 8, 2000 (aged 37)
Born in Canada, Quebec

André "Dédé" Fortin was a founding member, frontman, and vocalist of the Québécois band Les Colocs, formed in 1990.

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Marie-Thérèse Fortin

First Name Marie-Thérèse
Born on April 14, 1959 (age 65)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Marie-Thérèse Fortin is a Canadian actress. She has appeared in over twenty films since 1985.

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Fred Fortin

First Name Fred
Born on May 15, 1971 (age 53)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Fred Fortin is a Canadian rock singer-songwriter. Formerly associated with the bands Galaxie, Gros Mené and Les Breastfeeders, he has also released several solo albums. His 2009 album Plastrer la lune was a longlisted nominee for the 2010 Polaris Music Prize.

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André Fortin

First Name André
Last Name Fortin
Born on December 12, 1981 (age 42)
Born in Canada, Quebec

André Fortin is a Canadian politician in Quebec, who was elected to the National Assembly of Quebec in the 2014 election. He represents the electoral district of Pontiac as a member of the Quebec Liberal Party.

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Dany Fortin

First Name Dany
Last Name Fortin
Born in Canada, Quebec

Dany Fortin is a Canadian Armed Forces officer who holds the rank of major general in the Canadian Army. He served as the Public Health Agency of Canada's (PHAC) vice president of logistics and operations from November 27, 2020 to May 14, 2021, leading the federal government's COVID-19 vaccine rollout. He left the role pending a military investigation. He has served in commanding roles in the War in Afghanistan and the ISIL insurgency in Iraq. He commanded the 1st Canadian Division Headquarters and also served in a foreign exchange billet as the Deputy Commanding General for I Corps of the United States Army.

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Augustin Félix Fortin

First Name Augustin
Last Name Fortin
Born on January 1, 1763
Died on July 4, 1832 (aged 69)

Augustin Félix Fortin (1763–1832), a French painter of landscapes, and of genre and historical subjects, was born in Paris in 1763, and studied under his uncle, the sculptor Félix Lecomte. He was, however, chiefly noted for his sculpture, for which he obtained the Prix de Rome in 1783. He became a member of the Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture in 1789, and died in Paris in 1832.

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Bernard Fortin

First Name Bernard
Last Name Fortin
Born on January 17, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Canada, Quebec
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Dominique Fortin

First Name Dominique
Last Name Fortin
Born on January 1, 1961 (age 63)
Born in Canada, Quebec
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Lyne Fortin

First Name Lyne
Last Name Fortin
Born on April 28, 1962 (age 62)
Born in Canada, Quebec
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Michel Fortin

First Name Michel
Last Name Fortin
Born on July 9, 1947
Died on March 15, 2011 (aged 63)
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