List of Famous people with last name Forni

Raffaele Forni

First Name Raffaele
Last Name Forni
Born on May 24, 1906
Died on September 29, 1990 (aged 84)

Raffaele Forni was an Swiss prelate of the Catholic Church who worked in the diplomatic service of the Holy See. He held the title of archbishop from 1953 and served a nuncio to Iran, Venezuela, Uruguay, and Syria.

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Raymond Forni

First Name Raymond
Last Name Forni
Born on May 20, 1941
Died on January 5, 2008 (aged 66)

Raymond Forni was a French Socialist politician.

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Efrem Forni

First Name Efrem
Last Name Forni
Born on January 10, 1889
Died on February 26, 1976 (aged 87)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Efrem Leone Pio Forni was an Italian Cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church. He served as Nuncio to Belgium and Internuncio to Luxembourg from 1953 to 1962, and was elevated to the Cardinalate in 1962.

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