List of Famous people with last name Favre

Brett Favre

Brett Lorenzo Favre is an American former professional football player who was a quarterback in the National Football League (NFL), spending the majority of his career with the Green Bay Packers. He was a 20-year veteran of the NFL, having played quarterback for the Atlanta Falcons in 1991, the Packers from 1992 to 2007, the New York Jets in 2008, and the Minnesota Vikings from 2009 to 2010. Favre was the first NFL quarterback to pass for 500 touchdowns, throw for 70,000 yards, complete 6,000 passes, and attempt 10,000 passes.

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Lucien Favre

Lucien Favre is a Swiss professional football manager and former player who most recently managed German club Borussia Dortmund. Favre was a playmaker for various Swiss and French clubs, the longest for Servette, with whom he also won the championship. As a manager, he won the Swiss Cup and the Swiss championship with Servette and Zürich. In Germany, Favre also managed Hertha BSC and Borussia Mönchengladbach.

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Deanna Favre

Deanna Tynes Favre is an American author and founder and CEO of the Deanna Favre Hope Foundation. Favre was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004, and later became an advocate in the fight against the disease.

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Louis Favre

First Name Louis
Last Name Favre
Born on January 26, 1826
Died on July 19, 1879 (aged 53)

Louis Favre was a Swiss engineer who is remembered for building the Gotthard Rail Tunnel between 1872 and his death in the tunnel in 1879.

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Gilbert Favre

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Favre
Born on November 19, 1936
Died on December 12, 1998 (aged 62)

Gilbert Favre was a clarinetist from Geneva, Switzerland. He trained at the Conservatory of Geneva, and also played jazz clarinet. In South America, he discovered the quena, and when he moved to Bolivia, he traded in his clarinet. In La Paz, he created the musical cabaret La Pena de Naira at the Place San Francisco featuring indigenous music. The club became a hub for the diplomatic corps stationed in La Paz, as well as a favorite for Bolivians. Gilbert was the founding member of the popular Bolivian folk group Los Jairas. Favre was commonly referred to as "El Gringo" by the Bolivian public. Favre traveled from Geneva to South America as assistant to the Swiss anthropologist Jean Christian Spahni. In Santiago, Favre met celebrated Chilean folk singer Violeta Parra and fell in love. Favre played quena with Violeta and her son Angel Parra. He appears on recordings as "El Tocador Afuerino". Favre eventually left for Bolivia, where he created La Pena de Naira and started experimenting with Andean music playing alongside virtuoso guitar player Alfredo Dominguez and renowned charango player Ernesto Cavour. Parra appeared several times at La Pena. Favre returned to Geneva in the early 1960s together with Parra; after a few years in Europe, they returned to South America. As the Trio Domínguez-Favre-Cavour gained media attention and became increasingly popular for their "neofolklore", Favre decided not to move back to Chile and left Parra for good; she would later write "Run Run Se Fue Pa'l Norte," dedicated to her lover. Violetta Parra would later commit suicide. Their relationship was portrayed in the award-winning film Violeta Went to Heaven (2011), in which Favre was played by Thomas Durand.

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Jules Favre

First Name Jules
Last Name Favre
Born on March 21, 1809
Died on January 19, 1880 (aged 70)

Jules Claude Gabriel Favre was a French statesman. After the establishment of the Third Republic in September 1870, he became one of the leaders of the Opportunist Republicans in the National Assembly.

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Antoine Favre

First Name Antoine
Last Name Favre
Born on October 15, 1557
Died on February 28, 1624 (aged 66)

Antoine Favre, baron of Pérouges was a Savoisian nobleman and jurist.

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