List of Famous people with last name Diab

Amr Diab

عمرو عبد الباسط عبد العزيز دياب
First Name Amr
Last Name Diab
Born on October 11, 1961 (age 62)

{{Infobox musical artist | name = | background = solo_singer | image = Amr Abdul Baset Diab.jpg | caption = Amr Diab in 2009 | native_name = عمرو دياب | birth_name = Amr Abd-ELbaset Diab
Template:Lang العزيز دياب

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Hassan Diab

First Name Hassan
Last Name Diab
Born on June 1, 1959 (age 65)

Hassan Diab is a Lebanese politician, engineer and academic who has been serving as the Prime Minister of Lebanon since 21 January 2020. He submitted his resignation on 10 August 2020 in wake of the 2020 Beirut explosion and has since served as Caretaker Prime Minister until a successor forms a new government. He was appointed by Lebanese President Michel Aoun on 19 December 2019 to succeed Saad Hariri, amidst the 2019–20 Lebanese protests that had caused Hariri's resignation. Prior to his premiership, he served as the Minister of Education from June 2011 to February 2014 under President Michel Suleiman.

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Maya Diab

مايا هنري دياب
First Name Maya
Last Name Diab
Born on November 12, 1980 (age 43)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Maya Diab is a Lebanese pop singer, entertainer, actress and television personality. She is a former member of the Lebanese girl group The 4 Cats.

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Mohamed Diab

First Name Mohamed
Last Name Diab
Born on November 30, 1977 (age 46)

Mohamed Diab is an Egyptian screenwriter and director whose work often centers on pressing issues concerning Egyptian society. He is known for his directorial debut film Cairo 678 (Les Femmes du bus 678), which was released a month before the Egyptian revolution and was described by the New York Times as "unmistakably a harbinger of that revolution." Paulo Coehlo tweeted about the film calling it "brilliant" and saying "it should be mandatory for men, regardless of their religion/culture, to watch it".

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Hassan Diab

First Name Hassan
Last Name Diab
Born on November 20, 1953 (age 70)

Hassan Diab is a Lebanese-born Canadian sociology professor at Carleton University in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In 2008, France requested his extradition for his alleged involvement in the 1980 Paris synagogue bombing. After a lengthy extradition hearing, on June 6, 2011, the Canadian extradition judge described the evidence as "convoluted, very confusing, with conclusions that are suspect" and stated that "the prospects of conviction in the context of a fair trial seem unlikely". However, the judge said that his interpretation of Canada’s extradition law left him no choice but to commit Diab to extradition.

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Lina Diab

First Name Lina
Last Name Diab
Born on August 25, 1985 (age 38)
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