List of Famous people with last name Devi

Shakuntala Devi

First Name Shakuntala
Born on November 4, 1929
Died on April 21, 2013 (aged 83)
Born in India

Shakuntala Devi was an Indian mathematician, writer and mental calculator, popularly known as the "Human Computer". Devi strove to simplify numerical calculations for students. Her talent earned her a place in the 1982 edition of The Guinness Book of World Records. However, the certificate for the record was given posthumously on 30 July 2020, despite Devi achieving her world record on 18 June 1980 at Imperial College, London. Devi was a precocious child and she demonstrated her arithmetic abilities at the University of Mysore without any formal education.

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Phoolan Devi

First Name Phoolan
Born on August 10, 1963
Died on July 25, 2001 (aged 37)
Born in India

Phoolan Devi, popularly known as "Bandit Queen", was an Indian female rights activist, bandit and politician from the Samajwadi Party who later served as Member of Parliament.

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Gayatri Devi

First Name Gayatri
Born on May 23, 1919
Died on July 29, 2009 (aged 90)

Maharani Gayatri Devi was the third Maharani consort of Jaipur from 1940 to 1949 through her marriage to Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II. Following her husband's signature for the Jaipur State to become part of the Union of India and her step-son's assumption of the title in 1970, she was known as Maharani Gayatri Devi, Rajmata of Jaipur.

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Rudrama Devi

First Name Rudrama
Born on November 30, 1258
Died on November 30, 1288 (aged 30)

Rani Rudrama, was a monarch of the Kakatiya dynasty in the Deccan Plateau from 1263-1289 until her death. She was one of the very few women to rule as monarchs in India and promoted a male image in order to do so. This was a significant change and one that was followed by her successor and also by the later Vijayanagara Empire.

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Mahasweta Devi

First Name Mahasweta
Died on July 28, 2016 (aged 46)

Mahasweta Devi was an Indian writer in Bengali and an activist. Her notable literary works include Hajar Churashir Maa, Rudali, and Aranyer Adhikar. She was a self-proclaimed leftist who worked for the rights and empowerment of the tribal people of West Bengal, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh states of India. She was honoured with various literary awards such as the Sahitya Akademi Award, Jnanpith Award and Ramon Magsaysay Award along with India's civilian awards Padma Shri and Padma Vibhushan.

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Sitara Devi

First Name Sitara
Born on November 8, 1920
Died on November 25, 2014 (aged 94)
Born in India

Sitara Devi was an eminent Indian dancer of the classical Kathak style of dancing, a singer, and an actress. She was the recipient of several awards and accolades, and performed at several prestigious venues in India and abroad, including at the Royal Albert Hall, London (1967) and at the Carnegie Hall, New York (1976).

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Rabri Devi

First Name Rabri
Born on January 1, 1959 (age 65)
Born in India

Rabri Devi Yadav is an Indian politician from the state of Bihar. She is a Member of the Legislative Council for Bihar Vidhan Parishad who has served three terms as the Chief Minister of Bihar, as a member of the Rashtriya Janata Dal political party, between 1997 and 2005. She is the wife of the Indian politician Lalu Prasad Yadav, former Chief Minister of Bihar and former Railway Minister of India. She is the current Leader of Opposition in Bihar Legislative Council.

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Renu Devi

First Name Renu
Last Name Devi
Born on January 1, 1958 (age 66)
Born in India

Renu Devi is an Indian politician and the current Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar since November 2020. She became the first-female Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar in 2020. A former national Vice-President of the Bhartiya Janata Party, she is currently a Member of the Bihar Legislative Assembly and the deputy legislative leader of party for the National Democratic Alliance

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Shanno Devi

First Name Shanno
Born on June 1, 1901 (age 123)

Shanno Devi was an Indian politician was the first woman speaker of a State Assembly in India.She was member of the Indian National Congress from the state of Punjab. She was the speaker of the Haryana Legislative Assembly from 6 December 1966 to 17 March 1967, and the deputy speakers of the Punjab Legislative Assembly from 19 March 1962 to 31 October 1966.

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Rama Devi

First Name Rama
Last Name Devi
Born on July 7, 1965 (age 59)
Born in India

Rama Devi is an Indian politician from Bihar and belongs to Bhartiya Janata Party. She is on the Panel of chairpersons of the 17th Lok Sabha as of 2019.

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