List of Famous people with last name Dandridge

Dorothy Dandridge

Dorothy Jean Dandridge
First Name Dorothy
Last Name Dandridge
Born on November 9, 1922
Died on September 8, 1965 (aged 42)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Dorothy Jean Dandridge was an American actress, singer, and dancer. She is one of the earliest African-American film stars to be nominated for the Academy Award for Best Actress, which was for her performance in Carmen Jones (1954). Dandridge performed as a vocalist in venues such as the Cotton Club and the Apollo Theater. During her early career, she performed as a part of The Wonder Children, later The Dandridge Sisters, and appeared in a succession of films, usually in uncredited roles.

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Merle Dandridge

First Name Merle
Last Name Dandridge
Born on May 31, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Japan
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Merle Dandridge is a Japanese-born American actress and singer who performed in a number of stage productions, including Broadway musicals Jesus Christ Superstar, Spamalot and Rent. She is widely known for her role as Alyx Vance in the Half-Life series and Marlene in The Last of Us. Dandridge is also known for her recurring role on television series such as Sons of Anarchy and The Night Shift. In 2016, she began starring as Grace Greenleaf in the Oprah Winfrey Network drama series, Greenleaf. She played Papa Ge in the 2017 revival of Once on this Island, until January 8, 2018.

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Penelope Dandridge

First Name Penelope
Last Name Dandridge
Born on January 1, 1733
Died on February 27, 1818 (aged 85)
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Vivian Dandridge

First Name Vivian
Last Name Dandridge
Born on April 22, 1921
Died on October 21, 1991 (aged 70)

Vivian Alferetta Dandridge was an American singer, actress and dancer. Dandridge is best known as being the older sister of actress and singer Dorothy Dandridge and the daughter of actress Ruby Dandridge. Dandridge was a member of the Dandridge Sisters musical group, along with Etta Jones and Dorothy Dandridge from 1934 until the group disbanded in 1940. Dandridge went on to appear in minor roles on films and television from 1940 through the early 1960s. Never really achieving notable success as her younger sister, Dandridge disappeared from the public eye by 1970. Dandridge died after suffering a stroke on October 26, 1991 at age 70.

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Ruby Dandridge

First Name Ruby
Last Name Dandridge
Born on March 3, 1900
Died on October 17, 1987 (aged 87)

Ruby Jean Dandridge was an American actress from the early 1900s through to the late 1950s. Dandridge is best known for her radio work in her early days of acting. Dandridge is best known for her role on the radio show Amos 'n Andy, in which she played Sadie Blake and Harriet Crawford, and on radio's Judy Canova Show, in which she played "Geranium". She is recognized for her role in the 1959 movie A Hole in the Head as "Sally".

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Nicola Dandridge

First Name Nicola
Last Name Dandridge
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