Vivian Dandridge

Vivian Dandridge
Vivian Dandridge

Vivian Alferetta Dandridge was an American singer, actress and dancer. Dandridge is best known as being the older sister of actress and singer Dorothy Dandridge and the daughter of actress Ruby Dandridge. Dandridge was a member of the Dandridge Sisters musical group, along with Etta Jones and Dorothy Dandridge from 1934 until the group disbanded in 1940. Dandridge went on to appear in minor roles on films and television from 1940 through the early 1960s. Never really achieving notable success as her younger sister, Dandridge disappeared from the public eye by 1970. Dandridge died after suffering a stroke on October 26, 1991 at age 70.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
April 22nd, 1921
Birth Place
United States of America, Ohio
Date of Death
October 21st, 1991
Died Aged
Star Sign
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