List of Famous people with last name D-arvor

Patrick Poivre d'Arvor

Patrick Poivre
First Name Patrick
Last Name D'Arvor
Born on September 20, 1947 (age 76)
Born in France, Grand Est

Patrick Poivre d'Arvor is a French TV journalist and writer. He is a household name in France, and nicknamed "PPDA". With over 30 years and in excess of 4,500 editions of television news to his credit, he was one of the longest serving newsreaders in the world until he was fired in 2008. He presented his last newscast on TF1 on 10 July 2008.

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Olivier Poivre d'Arvor

Olivier Poivre
First Name Olivier
Last Name D'Arvor
Born on July 30, 1958 (age 65)
Born in France, Grand Est
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Arnaud Poivre d'Arvor

Arnaud Poivre
First Name Arnaud
Last Name D'Arvor
Born on May 1, 1972 (age 52)
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