List of Famous people with last name Clerc

Julien Clerc

Paul-Alain Auguste Leclerc
First Name Julien
Last Name Clerc
Born on October 4, 1947 (age 76)

Paul Alain Leclerc, better known by his stage name Julien Clerc, is a French singer-songwriter.

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Vincent Clerc

First Name Vincent
Last Name Clerc
Born on May 7, 1981 (age 43)
Height 178 cm | 5'10

Vincent Clerc is a former French rugby union player who played on the wing.

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José Luis Clerc

First Name José
Last Name Clerc
Born on August 16, 1958 (age 65)
Born in Argentina
Height 185 cm | 6'1

José Luis Clerc is a former Argentine professional tennis player, and one of the most important Argentine players in history. He is nicknamed Batata. He reached a career-high Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) world No. 4 singles ranking on 3 August 1981, following a run of 25 consecutive match wins after Wimbledon.

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Christine Clerc

First Name Christine
Last Name Clerc
Born on October 31, 1942 (age 81)
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Aurélien Clerc

First Name Aurélien
Born on August 26, 1979 (age 44)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Aurélien Clerc is a Swiss former professional road bicycle racer who last rode for UCI ProTour team Ag2r–La Mondiale. He retired from pro cycling after 2009, unable to find a new team, and started a new career as an insurance adviser. His sporting career began with Velo Club Cycliphile Bex.

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