List of Famous people with last name Christophersen

Sven-Sören Christophersen

First Name Sven-Sören
Born on May 9, 1985 (age 39)

Sven-Sören Christophersen is a German handball player. He competed at the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing, where the German team placed 9th.

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Line Christophersen

First Name Line
Last Name Christophersen
Born on January 14, 2000 (age 25)

Line Drost Christophersen is a Danish badminton player. She once trained at the Skælskør club. Christophersen clinched the girls' singles title at the 2018 European Junior Championships, and the silver medal at the World Junior Championships. She along Denmark team won the 2020 European Women's Team Championships.

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