List of Famous people with last name Chichester

Hilary of Chichester

First Name Hilary
Born on November 30, 1109
Died on July 1, 1169 (aged 59)

Hilary (c. 1110–1169) was a medieval Bishop of Chichester in England. English by birth, he studied canon law and worked in Rome as a papal clerk. During his time there, he became acquainted with a number of ecclesiastics, including the future Pope Adrian IV, and the writer John of Salisbury. In England, he served as a clerk for Henry of Blois, who was the Bishop of Winchester and brother of King Stephen of England. After Hilary's unsuccessful nomination to become Archbishop of York, Pope Eugene III compensated him by promoting him to the bishopric of Chichester in 1147.

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John Chichester

First Name John
Last Name Chichester
Born on January 1, 1520
Died on November 30, 1568 (aged 48)

Sir John Chichester (1519/20-1569) of Raleigh in the parish of Pilton, near Barnstaple in North Devon, was a leading member of the Devonshire gentry, a naval captain, and ardent Protestant who served as Sheriff of Devon in 1550-1551, and as Knight of the Shire for Devon in 1547, April 1554, and 1563, and as Member of Parliament for Barnstaple in 1559, over which borough his lordship of the manor of Raleigh, Pilton had considerable influence.

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Evelyn Chichester

First Name Evelyn
Last Name Chichester
Died on February 11, 1947
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Elizabeth Chichester

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Chichester
Born on March 17, 1799
Died on September 19, 1882 (aged 83)
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Thomas Pelham, 2nd Earl of Chichester

First Name Thomas
Last Name Chichester
Born on April 28, 1756
Died on July 4, 1826 (aged 70)

Thomas Pelham, 2nd Earl of Chichester PC, PC (Ire), FRS, styled The Honourable Thomas Pelham from 1768 until 1783, The Right Honourable Thomas Pelham from 1783 to 1801, and then known as Lord Pelham until 1805, was a British Whig politician. He notably held office as Home Secretary under Henry Addington from 1801 to 1803.

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Lord Henry FitzWarine Chichester

First Name Lord
Last Name Chichester
Born on September 11, 1834
Died on November 7, 1928 (aged 94)
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George Vaughan Chichester

First Name George
Last Name Chichester
Born on December 26, 1819
Died on January 1, 1898 (aged 78)
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Finola Margaret Chichester

First Name Finola
Born on May 23, 1932 (age 92)
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Rosemary Chichester

First Name Rosemary
Born on February 12, 1926
Died on January 30, 2007 (aged 80)
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Dermot Chichester

First Name Dermot
Born on November 22, 1953
Died on September 20, 2010 (aged 56)
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