List of Famous people with last name Callendar

Alexander Livingston of Callendar

First Name Alexander
Last Name Callendar
Born on November 30, 1374
Died on November 6, 1451 (aged 76)

Sir Alexander Livingston of Callendar was a significant figure in the early part of the reign of King James II of Scotland.

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Sir John Livingston of Callendar

First Name Sir
Died on September 14, 1402
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Hugh Longbourne Callendar

First Name Hugh
Born on April 18, 1863
Died on January 21, 1930 (aged 66)

Hugh Longbourne Callendar was a British physicist known for his contributions to the areas of thermometry and thermodynamics.

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Alexander Livingston, 3rd Earl of Callendar

First Name Alexander
Last Name Callendar
Died on November 30, 1692

Alexander Livingston, 3rd Earl of Callendar was a Scottish nobleman.

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Guy Stewart Callendar

First Name Guy
Last Name Callendar
Born on February 9, 1898
Died on October 3, 1964 (aged 66)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Guy Stewart Callendar was an English steam engineer and inventor. His main contribution to knowledge was developing the theory that linked rising carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere to global temperature. He was the first to demonstrate that the Earth’s land temperature had increased over the previous 50 years in 1938. This theory, earlier proposed by Svante Arrhenius, has been called the Callendar effect. Callendar thought this warming would be beneficial, delaying a "return of the deadly glaciers."

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William Dudley Henry Charles Forbes of Callendar

First Name William
Last Name Callendar
Died on August 13, 1977 (aged 7)
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James Livingston, 1st Earl of Callendar

First Name James
Last Name Callendar
Born on January 1, 1590
Died on January 1, 1674 (aged 84)

James Livingston, 1st Earl of Callendar, army officer who fought on the Royalist side in the Wars of the Three Kingdoms.

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William Forbes

First Name William
Last Name Forbes
Born on July 6, 1932 (age 92)
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