List of Famous people with last name Burnet

Guy Burnet

First Name Guy
Last Name Burnet
Born on August 8, 1983 (age 41)

Guy Burnet is a British theatre, film and television actor. In recent years Burnet also completed a number of roles in feature films and on the New York stage as well as small writing roles. As of 2019 he has a recurring role on the television series Counterpart, Ray Donovan, The Affair and the lead role on the Amazon Studios series The Feed.

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Gilbert Burnet

First Name Gilbert
Last Name Burnet
Died on March 17, 1715

Gilbert Burnet was a Scottish philosopher and historian, and Bishop of Salisbury. He was fluent in Dutch, French, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. Burnet was highly respected as a cleric, a preacher, an academic, a writer and a historian. He was always closely associated with the Whig party, and was one of the few close friends in whom King William III confided.

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Helen Burnet

First Name Helen
Last Name Burnet
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Barbara Burnet

First Name Barbara
Last Name Burnet
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Anne Burnet

First Name Anne
Last Name Burnet
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John James Burnet

First Name John
Last Name Burnet
Born on March 31, 1857
Died on July 2, 1938 (aged 81)

Sir John James Burnet was a Scottish Edwardian architect who was noted for a number of prominent buildings in Glasgow and London. He was the son of the architect John Burnet, and later went into partnership with his father, joining an architectural firm which would become an influential force in British Modern architecture in the 20th century.

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Rachel Burnet

First Name Rachel
Last Name Burnet
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Anne Burnet

First Name Anne
Last Name Burnet
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Frank Macfarlane Burnet

First Name Frank
Last Name Burnet
Born on September 3, 1899
Died on August 31, 1985 (aged 85)
Born in Australia, Victoria

Sir Frank Macfarlane Burnet,, usually known as Macfarlane or Mac Burnet, was an Australian virologist best known for his contributions to immunology. He won a Nobel Prize in 1960 for predicting acquired immune tolerance and was best known for developing the theory of clonal selection.

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David G. Burnet

First Name David
Last Name Burnet
Born on April 14, 1788
Died on December 5, 1870 (aged 82)

David Gouverneur Burnet was an early politician within the Republic of Texas, serving as interim President of Texas, Vice President of the Republic of Texas (1839–1841), and Secretary of State (1846) for the new state of Texas after it was annexed to the United States.

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