List of Famous people with last name Blythe

Arthur Blythe

First Name Arthur
Last Name Blythe
Born on July 5, 1940
Died on March 27, 2017 (aged 76)

Arthur Murray Blythe was an American jazz alto saxophonist and composer. He was described by critic Chris Kelsey as displaying "one of the most easily recognizable alto sax sounds in jazz, big and round, with a fast, wide vibrato and an aggressive, precise manner of phrasing" and furthermore as straddling the avant garde and traditionalist jazz, often with bands featuring unusual instrumentation.

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Anne Blythe

First Name Anne
Last Name Blythe
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Margaret Blythe

First Name Margaret
Last Name Blythe
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Betty Blythe

First Name Betty
Last Name Blythe
Born on September 1, 1893
Died on April 7, 1972 (aged 78)

Betty Blythe was an American actress best known for her dramatic roles in exotic silent films such as The Queen of Sheba (1921). She appeared in 63 silent films and 56 talkies over the course of her career.

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Adam Blythe

First Name Adam
Last Name Blythe
Born on October 1, 1989 (age 34)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Adam Michael Blythe is an English former professional road and track racing cyclist, who competed professionally between 2010 and 2019 for the BMC Racing Team, NFTO, Orica–GreenEDGE, Tinkoff, Aqua Blue Sport and Lotto–Soudal teams. Blythe began racing at a young age and went on to become a member of British Cycling's Olympic Development Programme.

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Randy Blythe

First Name Randy
Last Name Blythe
Born on February 21, 1971 (age 53)

David Randall Blythe is an American singer and songwriter, best known as the lead vocalist and lyricist of American heavy metal band Lamb of God. He has also performed guest vocals for Cannabis Corpse, Overkill, Gojira, Eyehategod, Eluveitie, Bad Brains, Soulfly, and Clutch, and is the lead singer of side-project band Halo of Locusts.

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Joseph Blythe

First Name Joseph
Last Name Blythe
Born on February 3, 1968 (age 56)
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Matthew Blythe

First Name Matthew
Last Name Blythe
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Matthew Francis Blythe

First Name Matthew
Last Name Blythe
Born on March 9, 1970 (age 54)
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Ernest Blythe

First Name Ernest
Last Name Blythe
Born on April 13, 1889
Died on February 23, 1975 (aged 85)

Ernest Blythe was an Irish journalist, managing director of the Abbey Theatre, and politician who served as Minister for Finance from 1923 to 1932, Minister for Posts and Telegraphs and Vice-President of the Executive Council from 1927 to 1932 and Minister for Local Government from 1922 to 1923. He was a Senator for the Labour Panel from 1934 to 1936. He served as a Teachta Dála (TD) for the Monaghan constituency from 1921 to 1933 and Member of Parliament (MP) for North Monaghan from 1918 to 1922.

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