List of Famous people with last name Bjerregaard

Lucas Bjerregaard

First Name Lucas
Last Name Bjerregaard
Born on August 14, 1991 (age 33)

Lucas Justra Bjerregaard is a Danish professional golfer who plays the European Tour. In May 2017, playing with Thorbjørn Olesen, they won the inaugural GolfSixes, an unofficial pairs event on the European Tour. Later that year, in September, he had his first solo win on the European Tour, the Portugal Masters. In October 2018, Bjerregaard won the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship for his second European Tour victory.

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Ritt Bjerregaard

First Name Ritt
Last Name Bjerregaard
Born on May 19, 1941 (age 83)

Ritt Bjerregaard is a former Danish politician. She is a member of the Danish Social Democrats, and was Lord Mayor of Copenhagen from 1 January 2006 to 2010.

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Patrick Bjerregaard

First Name Patrick
Last Name Bjerregaard
Born on January 28, 1995 (age 29)

Patrick Bjerregaard is a Danish badminton player.

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