List of Famous people with last name Anis

Mohammed Mohiedin Anis

First Name Mohammed
Last Name Anis
Born on November 30, 1939 (age 84)

Mohammed Mohiedin Anis, also known as Abu Omar, is a Syrian businessman and car collector, based in Aleppo. A March 2017 photograph of him sitting on his bed, smoking a pipe and listening to his wind-up record player in a rubble-strewn room has been widely reproduced.

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Rami Anis

First Name Rami
Last Name Anis
Born on March 18, 1991 (age 33)

Rami Anis is a Syrian swimmer, who now resides in Belgium, and representing a small Refugee Olympic Team (ROT) under the Olympic flag, at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. As war took hold of his home town Aleppo, Anis fled to Turkey then, by dinghy to Greece and on to Belgium.

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Muhammad Anis

First Name Muhammad
Last Name Anis
Born on June 26, 1957 (age 67)
Born in Indonesia
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ʿAbd al-ʿAẓim Anīs

First Name ʿAbd
Born on November 30, 1922
Died on November 30, 2008 (aged 86)

'Abd al-'Azim 'Anis (1923–2009) was a leading Egyptian cultural critic and Marxist involved with the Communist Party of Egypt. He was detained in Egyptian prisons from the early 1960s due to his political activities. 'Anis called for "unity of all the nationalist and progressive forces including, naturally, the Arab communists."

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Abdelhamid Anis

First Name Abdelhamid
Last Name Anis
Born on May 5, 1938
Died on August 15, 2015 (aged 77)
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